Kathmandu: National Archives, Ms. no. 425; NGMPP DNA 14/4

[Surendra Vikrama Śāha]

A rukkā ordering the execution of Hari Goḍīyā for an act of homicide

1880 (VS 1937)

Published with kind permission of the National Archives, Kathmandu. Digitized from the NGMPP microfilm kept by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin.

This rukkā issued by King Surendra to Captain (text: kaptāna) Mvāna Siṃ Svā̃ra Chetrī lays bare formal procedures for carrying out the death penalty on Hari Goḍīyā, who was found guilty of killing Vadala Siṃ Thāpā.[ed. by Rajan Khatiwoda in collaboration with Simon Cubelic]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.11588/diglit.39465
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-394654

Zitierhinweis zur Edition Documenta Nepalica, Religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Quellen des vormodernen Nepal

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