Kathmandu: National Archives, Ms. no. 443; NGMPP DNA 14/22

Rājendra Vikrama Śāha

A lālamohara reconfirming the exemption of Guruṅs, Ghales, Lāmās, the four jātas, the sixteen jātas etc. from aputālī, cākacakuī and pharneulo

1826 (VS 1883)

Published with kind permission of the National Archives, Kathmandu. Digitized from the NGMPP microfilm kept by the Staatsbibliothek Berlin.

This lālamohara of King Rājendra, addressing the Guruṅs, Ghales, Lāmās, the four jātas and the sixteen jātas throughout the realm, sanctions a thiti bandeja through a copperplate, according to which the addressees are granted an exemption from payment of cākacakuī and pharneulo fines, the state acquisition of aputālī, and enslavement as punishment for other offences. It is furthermore specified that Lāmās and Ghyābriṅs can be employed as necessary, but that Brahmanical rituals are to be performed by Upādhyā Brahmins.[ed. by ]

DOI / Zitierlink: https://doi.org/10.11588/diglit.37357  
URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-diglit-373572  
Metadaten: METS
IIIF Manifest: v2.1, v3.0

Zitierhinweis zu Documenta Nepalica, Religions- und rechtsgeschichtliche Quellen des vormodernen Nepal
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