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..Witchcraft and the anger of the personal god". in:
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magic. Textual. historical. and interpretative perspectives.
Groningen 1999. 83-121.
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understanding of Babylonian witchcraft beliefs and
literature. Ancient magic and divination 5. Leiden/
Boston/Köln 2002.
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World 37. Atlanta. Georgia. 2015 (Maqlü).
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Ancient magic and divination 10. Leiden/Boston 2016.
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witchcraft rituals. Volume One. Ancient magic and
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Two. Ancient magic and divination 8/2. Leiden/Boston
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Alaura. S. - Bonechi. M.. ..II carro del dio del sole nei testi cu-
neiformi dell’eta del bronzo". SMEA 54 (2012). 5-115.
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Herbst. Mechanismen der Legitimation des babylonischen
Herrschers im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr. und ihre Geschichte.
Dresden 2013.
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bis Oktober 1910". MDOG 44 (1910). 28-40.
Arnaud. D.. Corpus des textes de bibliotheque de Ras Shamra-
Ougarit (1936-2000) en sumerien. babyIonien et assyrien.
Aula Orientalis Suppementa 23. Sabadell 2007.
Attia. A. -Buisson. G.. ..Editionde texte "Sile cräne d’unhomme
contient de la chaleur. deuxieme tablette"". JMC 2003/1.
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and texts of the Old Babylonian period". in: S. Parpola -
R. M. Whiting (Hrsg.). Sex and gender in the ancient Near
East: Proceedings of the 47th Rencontre Assyriologique
Internationale. Helsinki. July 2-6. 2001 (CRRAI 47).
Helsinki 2003. 27-52.
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(2008). 1-96.
Bäcskay. A. ..Magical-medical prescriptions against fever: an
edition of BM 42272". JMC 26 (2015). 1-32.
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Vol. 2. Pt. I: H-K. Helsinki 2000 (PNA 2/1).
The prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian empire. Vol. 2.
Pt. II: L-N. Helsinki 2001 (PNA 2/II).
The prosopography of the Neo-Assyrian empire. Vol. 3.
Pt. I: P-S. Helsinki 2002 (PNA 3/1).
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Pt. II: S-Z. Helsinki 2011 (PNA 3/II).
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Eid. Recht und Rechtsfindung in antiken Kulturen. Teil 1.
Philippika 86. Wiesbaden 2015.
Beaulieu. P.-A.. The pantheon of Uruk during the Neo-Babylo-
nian period. Cuneiform monographs 23. Leiden/Boston
Beckman. G.. Foster. B. R.. „Assyrian scholarly texts in the Yale
Babylonian Collection", in: E. Leichty - M. deJ. Ellis - P.
Gerardi (Hrsg.). A scientific humanist. Studies inmemory
of Abraham Sachs. Philadelphia 1988. 1-26 (Gs. Sachs).
Berlejung. A.. ..Die Macht der Insignien. Überlegungen zu
einem Ritual der Investitur des Königs und dessen
königsideologischen Implikationen". UF 28 (1996). 1-35.
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Collection of the British Museum. Vol. 1: London 1889;
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London 1896; Vol. 5: London 1899 (Catalogue).
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incantations. Texts from cuneiform sources 2.
Locust Valley. New York 1967.
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of Akkadian. 2nd (corrected) printing. SANTAG 5.
Wiesbaden 2000 (Concise Dictionary).
Bloch. Y. - Horowitz. W. „Ura = hubullu XXII: The Standard
recension". JCS 67 (2015). 71-125.
Böck. B.. ..When you perform the ritual of ‘rubbing’: on
medicine and magic in ancient Mesopotamia". JNES 62
(2003). 1-16.
Das Handbuch MussiiTi "Einreibung". Eine Serie
sumerischer und akkadischer Beschwörungen aus dem 1.
Jt. vor Chr.. Biblioteca del Proximo Oriente Antiguo 3.
Madrid 2007.