Davies, M., 1981. “Archilochus and Hipponax in a Scholium on Ovid’s Ibis”, Prometheus
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De Romilly, J., 1992. The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens (transl. by J. Lloyd), Oxford.
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De Ste Croix, G. E. M., 2004 (edited by D. Harvey & R. Parker). Athenian Democratic
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Dickey, E., 2007. Ancient Greek Scholarship, Oxford.
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Dietze, A., 1901. De Philemone comico, Diss., Gottingen.
Diggle, J., 1970. Euripides Phaethon, Cambridge.
Di Marco, M., 1989. Timone di Fliunte: Silloi, Rome.
Dindorf, W, 1827. Athenaeus Deipnosophistae, 3 vols, Leipzig.
Dobree, P. P., 1831-1833 (ed. by J. Scholefield). Adversaria, 2 vols, Cambridge, (abbr.
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A. Willi (ed.), The Language of Greek Comedy, Oxford & New York, 169-190.
Dobrov, G. W, & Urios-Aparisi, E., 1995. “The Maculate Music: Gender, Genre and the
Chiron of Pherecrates”, in G. W. Dobrov (ed.), Beyond Aristophanes: Transition and
Diversity in Greek Comedy, Atlanta, 139-174.
Dodds, E. R.,21960. Euripides Bacchae, Oxford.
Dohm, H., 1964. Mageiros: die Rolle des Kochs in der griechisch-romischen Komodie,
Dorter, K., 1994. Form and Good in Plato’s Eleatic Dialogues, California.
Dover, K. J., 1968. Aristophanes Clouds, Oxford.
Dover, K. J., 1972. Aristophanic Comedy, Berkeley.
Dover, K. J., 1974. Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle, Oxford.
Dover, K. J., 1978. Greek Homosexuality, London.
Dover, K. J., 1993. Aristophanes Frogs, Oxford.
Drew-Bear, T, 1968. “The Trochaic Tetrameter in Greek Tragedy”, AJPh 89.4, 385-405.
Dubner, Fr., 1855. Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem cum Prolegomenis Grammaticorum,
Dunbar, N., 1995. Aristophanes Birds, Oxford.
Dutta, Sh., 2007. Aristophanic Paratragedy, Diss., Oxford.
Ehrenberg, V.,31962. The People of Aristophanes: A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New
Davies, M., 1981. “Archilochus and Hipponax in a Scholium on Ovid’s Ibis”, Prometheus
Ί, 123-124.
Dearden, C., 2012. “Whose line is it anyway? West Greek Comedy in its Context”,
in K. Bosher (ed.), Theater Outside Athens: Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy,
Cambridge, 272-288.
De Borries, J., 1911. Phrynichi Sophistae Praeparatio Sophistica, Leipzig.
Dedoussi, C., 1961. “The Trochaic Tetrameter in Menander”, Πλάτων 13, 59-66.
Denniston, J. D., 1954. The Greek Particles, Oxford.
De Romilly, J., 1992. The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens (transl. by J. Lloyd), Oxford.
Desjardins, R., 2004. Plato and the Good: Illuminating the Darkling Vision, Leiden &
De Ste Croix, G. E. M., 2004 (edited by D. Harvey & R. Parker). Athenian Democratic
Origins: and other essays, Oxford & New York.
De Velsen, A., 1853. Tryphonis Grammatici Alexandrini Fragmenta, Berlin.
Dickey, E., 2007. Ancient Greek Scholarship, Oxford.
Diels, H. & Kranz, W. (edd.), ’1954. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 3 vols, Berlin.
(abbr. as DK)
Dietze, A., 1901. De Philemone comico, Diss., Gottingen.
Diggle, J., 1970. Euripides Phaethon, Cambridge.
Di Marco, M., 1989. Timone di Fliunte: Silloi, Rome.
Dindorf, W, 1827. Athenaeus Deipnosophistae, 3 vols, Leipzig.
Dobree, P. P., 1831-1833 (ed. by J. Scholefield). Adversaria, 2 vols, Cambridge, (abbr.
as Adv.)
Dobrov, G. W. 2002. “Μάγειρος Ποιητής: Language and Character in Antiphanes”, in
A. Willi (ed.), The Language of Greek Comedy, Oxford & New York, 169-190.
Dobrov, G. W, & Urios-Aparisi, E., 1995. “The Maculate Music: Gender, Genre and the
Chiron of Pherecrates”, in G. W. Dobrov (ed.), Beyond Aristophanes: Transition and
Diversity in Greek Comedy, Atlanta, 139-174.
Dodds, E. R.,21960. Euripides Bacchae, Oxford.
Dohm, H., 1964. Mageiros: die Rolle des Kochs in der griechisch-romischen Komodie,
Dorter, K., 1994. Form and Good in Plato’s Eleatic Dialogues, California.
Dover, K. J., 1968. Aristophanes Clouds, Oxford.
Dover, K. J., 1972. Aristophanic Comedy, Berkeley.
Dover, K. J., 1974. Greek Popular Morality in the Time of Plato and Aristotle, Oxford.
Dover, K. J., 1978. Greek Homosexuality, London.
Dover, K. J., 1993. Aristophanes Frogs, Oxford.
Drew-Bear, T, 1968. “The Trochaic Tetrameter in Greek Tragedy”, AJPh 89.4, 385-405.
Dubner, Fr., 1855. Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem cum Prolegomenis Grammaticorum,
Dunbar, N., 1995. Aristophanes Birds, Oxford.
Dutta, Sh., 2007. Aristophanic Paratragedy, Diss., Oxford.
Ehrenberg, V.,31962. The People of Aristophanes: A Sociology of Old Attic Comedy, New