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Gilula, D., 2000. “Hermippus and his Catalogue of Goods (fr. 63)”, in D. Harvey & J.
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Ginouves, R., 1962. Balaneutike; recherches sur le bain dans I’antiquite grecque, Paris.
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ologia di Palamede, all’Epitaffio, Passignano sul Trasimeno.
Given, J., 2007. “Ihe Agathon scene in Aristophanes’ Thesmophoriazusae”, SO 82, 35-51.
Glazebrook, A. M. J., 2001. The Use and Abuse ofHetairai: Female Characterization in
Greek Oratory, Diss., New York.
Glazebrook, A. M. J., 2006. “The Bad Girls of Athens: The Image and Function of
Hetairai in Judicial Oratory”, in C. Faraone & L. McClure (edd.), Prostitutes and
Courtesans in the Ancient World, Madison, 125-138.
Glazebrook, A. M. J. & Henry M. (edd.), 2011. Greek Prostitutes in the Ancient
Mediterranean, 800 BCE - 200 CE, Madison.
Goldhill, S., & Osborne, R. (edd.), 1999. Performance Culture and Athenian Democracy,
Gomme, A. W., 1945-1981. A Historical Commentary on Thucydides, 5 vols, Oxford.
Gomme, A. W. & Sandbach, F. H., 1973. Menander. A Commentary, Oxford.
Goossens, R., 1942. “Une allusion a Cimon dans le Πολιτικός d’Antiphon”, AC 11, 91-92.
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Classical Athens”, JHS 100, 38-59.
Gould, T, 1963. Platonic Love, London.
Gow, A. S. F., 21952. Theocritus. Edited with a Translation and Commentary, 2 vols,
Gow, A. S. F., 1965. Machon. The Fragments, Cambridge.
Green, J. R., 2012. “Comic Vases in South Italy: Continuity and Innovation in the
Development of a Figurative Language”, in K. Bosher (ed.), Theater Outside Athens:
Drama in Greek Sicily and South Italy, Cambridge, 289-342.
Greene, E. (ed.), 1996. Re-Reading Sappho: Reception and Transmission, Berkeley.
Greene, W. C. (ed.), 1938 (reprint 1988). Scholia Platonica: contulerunt atque investigaver-
unt Fredericus de Forest Allen, loannes Burnet, Carolus Pomeroy Parker, Hildesheim.
Gronovius, J., 1697-1702. Thesaurus Graecarum Antiquitatum, 13 vols, Leiden.
Grotius, H., 1623. Dicta Poetarum quae apud loannem Stobaeum exstant, Paris.
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