
Apostolakēs, Kōstas
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 21): Timokles: translation and commentary — Göttingen: Verlag Antike, 2019

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Γεωργός (?) (Georgos)
(“The Farmer”)

Meineke, V. 1 (1857) 96 (Addenda et Corrigenda ad vol. Ill), cites Clem. Al. Strom.
4.7.1 αύτίκα οί Στρωματεΐς ήμών, κατά τον γεωργόν Τιμοκλέους τού κωμικού (it
follows fr. 38) and notes: “fabulam, ex qua haec derivata sunt, nunc non dubito
quin Γεωργός inscripta fuisse”. All the following editors include the title with reser-
vation in Timocles’ plays, but treat fr. 38 separately, as unidentified.
The wording κατά τον γεωργόν might well refer to a Timocles play with that
title; cf. the homonymous comedy by Menander. It is also possible to think of a far-
mer as a speaking character in a play entitled Γεωργός; cf. Aristophanes’ Γεωργοί,
and especially frr. 102 and 110, where the speaking persons are apparently farmers
(fr. 102.1 (A.) έθέλω γεωργεϊν. (B) εΐτα τις σε κωλύει; “(A) I want to farm! (B) And
who’s stopping you?”; fr. 110.1 —<>— συκάς φυτεύω κάρτα πλήν Λακωνικής “I plant
figs of every kind except for Spartan ones”. On the other hand, it is also possible
that Clement is referring to a comic hero of some unknown play by Timocles;
cf. Ar. Ach. 1018-36, where a farmer appears on stage, eventually identified as
Dercetes of Phyle.
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