
Apostolakēs, Kōstas
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 21): Timokles: translation and commentary — Göttingen: Verlag Antike, 2019

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Δήλος (fr. 4)


with reference to the pro-Macedonian and anti-Macedonian controversies (cf.
“Themes and Motives”), a plot focused on contemporary politics should not be
excluded. Concerning the title, one might think of a personification of the island
of Delos on stage (cf. Pirotta 2009, on Plato’s'EXXdp ή Νήσοι and Orth 2014,161-2
on Demetrius’ Σικελία).
Date The Harpalus affair (324 BC) is the terminus post quem for Timocles play.
It has, in fact, been suggested that it is the staging of the play sometime between
September and February of 324 BC, i. e. before the completion of the Areopagus
investigation (see below under “Interpretation”), which accounts for the inclusion
of Hyperides in this catalogue of bribed politicians.50

fr. 4 K.-A. (4 K.)
(A.) Δημοσθένης τάλαντα πεντήκοντ’ έχει.
(Β.) μακάριος, εϊπερ μεταδίδωσι μηδενί.
(Α.) και Μοιροκλής εϊληφε χρυσίον πολύ.
(Β.) άνόητος ό διδούς, ευτυχής δ’ ό λαμβάνων.
5 (Α.) εϊληφε και Δήμων τι και Καλλισθένης.
(Β.) πένητες ήσαν, ώστε συγγνώμην έχω.
(Α.) ό τ’ έν λόγοισι δεινόςΎπερείδης έχει.
(Β.) τούς ίχθυοπώλας ούτος ήμών πλουτιεΐ
όψοφάγος f γάρ ώστε τούς λάρους είναι Σύρους
3 μοιροκλής Α: μϋρ-CE 5 εϊληφε Mus.: είτ’ εϊλ- ΑΟΕ:εϊτ’ έλαβε Kock τι Dobree:
τε ACE 9 om. CE όψοφάγος Α: ούψ- Bergk γάρ A: del. Casaubon <έστ’>
όψ. γάρ, ώστε τ. λ. <δοκεϊν> / είναι Σύρους Tucker <10 παρ’ αύτόν> Kock
(A.) Demosthenes has fifty talents.
(B.) He is lucky, if he doesn’t share with anyone.
(A.) Moerocles also got a lot of gold.
(B.) The one who gives is an idiot, whereas he who receives is lucky.
5 (A.) Demon also got something; Callisthenes too.
(B.) They were poor, so I forgive them.
(A.) And Hyperides the excellent orator got a bit.
(B.) He will make our fish-sellers rich;
Because he is such a fish-eaterf that he makes seagulls look like Syrians


On the estimated date of the play see Badian 1961, 43; Whitehead, 2000, 358.
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