Ίκάριοι Σάτυροι (fr. 19)
Poll. 4.122; Olson 2016, 329-30 (on Eup. fr. 259.79). For a possible metatheatrical
appeal to the audience in satyr plays cf. S. Ichn. 83-5 (col. III.24-6 Snell) [τ]ών
εϊ τις όπτήρ έστι[ν] ή κατήκοος, / [έ]μοί τ’ [ά]ν [ε]ϊη προσφιλή[ς] φράσας τόδε /
[Φοίβω τ]’ άνακτι παντελής εύεργ[έ]της; see Zagagi 1999, 187-8.195
For the construction (imperative + μηδέ +subjunctive) cf. Hom. II. 23.407
'ίππους δ’ Άτρεΐδαο κιχάνετε, μή δε λίπησθον; Od. 3.55 “κλϋθι, Ποσείδαον γαιήοχε,
μηδέ μεγήρης; in reversed order, Dem. 18.10 μηδέ φωνήν άνάσχησθε..., άλλ’
άναστάντες καταψηφίσασθ’ ήδη; Schwyzer II (1950) 343.
195 The suggestion that, since σύριγξ is connected with satyrs, the speaking character is
addressing the satyr chorus (Coppola 1927, 461 “un dialogo tra Sileno e i Satiri”; cf.
Llopis-Gomez-Asensio 2007, 664,2014: “fluta propria de los satires”) is not supported
by the context.
Poll. 4.122; Olson 2016, 329-30 (on Eup. fr. 259.79). For a possible metatheatrical
appeal to the audience in satyr plays cf. S. Ichn. 83-5 (col. III.24-6 Snell) [τ]ών
εϊ τις όπτήρ έστι[ν] ή κατήκοος, / [έ]μοί τ’ [ά]ν [ε]ϊη προσφιλή[ς] φράσας τόδε /
[Φοίβω τ]’ άνακτι παντελής εύεργ[έ]της; see Zagagi 1999, 187-8.195
For the construction (imperative + μηδέ +subjunctive) cf. Hom. II. 23.407
'ίππους δ’ Άτρεΐδαο κιχάνετε, μή δε λίπησθον; Od. 3.55 “κλϋθι, Ποσείδαον γαιήοχε,
μηδέ μεγήρης; in reversed order, Dem. 18.10 μηδέ φωνήν άνάσχησθε..., άλλ’
άναστάντες καταψηφίσασθ’ ήδη; Schwyzer II (1950) 343.
195 The suggestion that, since σύριγξ is connected with satyrs, the speaking character is
addressing the satyr chorus (Coppola 1927, 461 “un dialogo tra Sileno e i Satiri”; cf.
Llopis-Gomez-Asensio 2007, 664,2014: “fluta propria de los satires”) is not supported
by the context.