οϊδ’ έγώ I όταν άτυχήσωσιν γεγονότας, ού φύσει / όντας τοιούτους “because I
know that many become rogues out of necessity, when they fall into misfortune,
although they are not such by nature”.
βιάζεται... ποεϊν Cf. Thgn. 649-652 West ά δειλή πενίη, τί έμοΐς έπικειμένη
ώμοις / σώμα καταισχύνεις και νόον ήμέτερον; / αισχρά δέ μ’ ούκ έθέλοντα βίη
και πολλά διδάσκεις, / έσθλά μετ’ άνθρώπων και κάλ’ έπιστάμενον “Ah wretched
Poverty, why do you lie upon my shoulders and dishonor both my body and mind?
You teach me, forcibly and against my will, much that is shameful, although I know
what is noble and honourable among them”; Clem. Al. Strom. έπει και
αϋτη (sc. ή πενία) των άναγκαίων ... άπασχολεϊν βιάζεται την ψυχήν.
For the assumption that violence (βία) is contrary to nature (φύσις), cf. Pl. Prt.
337d ό δέ νόμος, τύραννος ών των άνθρώπων, πολλά παρά τήν φύσιν βιάζεται
“but law, being a tyrant over mankind, violently compels many things contrary to
nature”; Arist. MM 1.1188b όσοις μεν ούν έστιν έκτος ή αίτια τού παρά φύσιν τι ή
παρ’ ά βούλονται ποιεϊν, έροΰμεν βιαζομένοις ά άν ποιώσι ποιεΐν; “whenever the
cause of people’s doing something contrary to their nature or contrary to their wish
is outside of them, we will say that they are forced to do what they do”; Antipho
Tetr. B.3.1 αύτή ή χρεία παρά φύσιν και λέγειν και δράν άπαντας άναγκάζει
“need itself compels anyone to speak and act against his nature”; Tetr. B.2.1 αύτα'ι
αί συμφορά! και χρεΐαι τούς τε άπράγμονας είς άγώνας <καταστήναι> τούς τε
ήσυχίους τολμάν τά τε άλλα παρά φύσιν λέγειν και δράν βιάζονται “misfortune
and need force even those who mind their own business to be involved in trials,
and those who are quiet to take courage to speak and act against their nature”. For
the construction with infinitive cf. X. An. 1.3.1; 5.7.8; Isae. 7.40; D. 25.37.
οϊδ’ έγώ I όταν άτυχήσωσιν γεγονότας, ού φύσει / όντας τοιούτους “because I
know that many become rogues out of necessity, when they fall into misfortune,
although they are not such by nature”.
βιάζεται... ποεϊν Cf. Thgn. 649-652 West ά δειλή πενίη, τί έμοΐς έπικειμένη
ώμοις / σώμα καταισχύνεις και νόον ήμέτερον; / αισχρά δέ μ’ ούκ έθέλοντα βίη
και πολλά διδάσκεις, / έσθλά μετ’ άνθρώπων και κάλ’ έπιστάμενον “Ah wretched
Poverty, why do you lie upon my shoulders and dishonor both my body and mind?
You teach me, forcibly and against my will, much that is shameful, although I know
what is noble and honourable among them”; Clem. Al. Strom. έπει και
αϋτη (sc. ή πενία) των άναγκαίων ... άπασχολεϊν βιάζεται την ψυχήν.
For the assumption that violence (βία) is contrary to nature (φύσις), cf. Pl. Prt.
337d ό δέ νόμος, τύραννος ών των άνθρώπων, πολλά παρά τήν φύσιν βιάζεται
“but law, being a tyrant over mankind, violently compels many things contrary to
nature”; Arist. MM 1.1188b όσοις μεν ούν έστιν έκτος ή αίτια τού παρά φύσιν τι ή
παρ’ ά βούλονται ποιεϊν, έροΰμεν βιαζομένοις ά άν ποιώσι ποιεΐν; “whenever the
cause of people’s doing something contrary to their nature or contrary to their wish
is outside of them, we will say that they are forced to do what they do”; Antipho
Tetr. B.3.1 αύτή ή χρεία παρά φύσιν και λέγειν και δράν άπαντας άναγκάζει
“need itself compels anyone to speak and act against his nature”; Tetr. B.2.1 αύτα'ι
αί συμφορά! και χρεΐαι τούς τε άπράγμονας είς άγώνας <καταστήναι> τούς τε
ήσυχίους τολμάν τά τε άλλα παρά φύσιν λέγειν και δράν βιάζονται “misfortune
and need force even those who mind their own business to be involved in trials,
and those who are quiet to take courage to speak and act against their nature”. For
the construction with infinitive cf. X. An. 1.3.1; 5.7.8; Isae. 7.40; D. 25.37.