Dover 1978: KJ. Dover, Greek Homosexuality, London 1978 (trad. it. L’omosessualità
nella Grecia antica, Torino 1985)
Dover 1981: KJ. Dover, The Colloquiai Stratum in Classical Attic Prose, in G.S.
Shrimpton-D J. McCargar (eds.), Classical Contributions. Studies in Honour ofM.F.
McGregor, Locust Valley (NY), 1981, pp. 15-25 (= Dover 1987, pp. 16-30)
Dover 1985: KJ. Dover, Theocritus. Select Poems, Bristol 1985 (reprint with minor cor-
rections; la Basingstoke 1971)
Dover 1985a: KJ. Dover, Some Types ofAbnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy, «CQ»
n.s. 35 (79), 1985, pp. 324-343 (= Dover 1987, pp. 43-66)
Dover 1987: KJ. Dover, Greek and thè Greeks. Collected papers. I: Language, Poetry,
Drama, Oxford-New York 1987
Dover 1988: KJ. Dover, The Greeks and TheirLegacy. Collected Papers. II: Prose Literature,
History, Society, Transmission, Influence, Oxford-New York 1988
Dover 1993: K. J. Dover, Aristophanes. Frogs, Oxford 1993
Dover 1994: KJ. Dover, Greek Popular Morality in thè Time of Plato and Aristotle,
Indianapolis-Cambridge 19942 (trad. it La morale popolare greca all’epoca di Platone
e Aristotele, Brescia 1983 [sulla la ed.])
Dover 2000: KJ. Dover, Frogments, Foreword in Harvey-Wilkins 2000, pp. xvii-xix
Dover 2002: KJ. Dover, Some Evaluative Terms in Aristophanes, in Willi 2002, pp. 85-97
Dover 2004: KJ. Dover, The Limits ofAllegory and Allusion in Aristophanes, in D.L.
Cairns-R.A. Knox (eds.), Law, Rhetoric, and Comedy in Classical Athens. Essays in
Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell, Swansea 2004, pp. 239-249
Drexhage 2002: H.-J. Drexhage, Zum lezten Mal zu den Komposita mit -πώλης?! Einige
Bemerkungen zur literarischen Oberlieferung, «MBAH» 21.2, 2002, pp. 74-89
Dubuisson 1977: M. Dubuisson, ΟΙ ΑΜΦΙ TINA, ΟΙ ΠΕΡΙ TINA: l’evolution des sens et
des emplois, Diss. Liège 1977
Diibner 1877: F. Diibner, Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem cum prolegomenis gramma-
ticorum, Parisiis 1877
Dunbar 1995: N. Dunbar, Aristophanes. Birds, Oxford 1995
Durbach 1911: F. Durbach, Fouilles de Délos, exécutées auxfrais de M. le Due de Loubat.
Inscriptions financières (1906-1909), I, «BCH» 35, 1911, pp. 5-86
Diiring 1936a: I. Diiring, Athenaios och Plutarchos, «Eranos» 34, 1936, pp. 1-13
Diiring 1936b: I. Diiring, De Athenaei Dipnosophistarum indole atque dispositione, in
Apophoreta Gotoburgensia Vileimo Lundstròm oblata, Goteborg 1936, pp. 226-270
Ebert 1978: J. Ebert, Das Parisurteil in derHypothesis zum Dionysalexandros des Kratinos,
«Philologus» 122, 1978, pp. 177-182
Edmonds FAC: J. M. Edmonds, The Fragments of Attic Comedy. I: After Meineke, Bergk
and Kock augmented, newly edited with their contexts, annotated and completely
translated into English verse byJ.M. Edmonds, I: Old Comedy, Leiden 1957; : Middle
Comedy, Leiden 1959; III.A: New Comedy except Menander. Anonymous fragments of
thè Middle and New Comedy, Leiden 1961; III.B: Menander, Leiden 1961
Ehrenberg 1957: V. Ehrenberg, L’Atene di Aristofane. Studio sociologico della Commedia
attica antica, Firenze 1957 (orig. The People of Aristophanes. A sociology of Old Attic
Comedy, Oxford 19512)
Dover 1978: KJ. Dover, Greek Homosexuality, London 1978 (trad. it. L’omosessualità
nella Grecia antica, Torino 1985)
Dover 1981: KJ. Dover, The Colloquiai Stratum in Classical Attic Prose, in G.S.
Shrimpton-D J. McCargar (eds.), Classical Contributions. Studies in Honour ofM.F.
McGregor, Locust Valley (NY), 1981, pp. 15-25 (= Dover 1987, pp. 16-30)
Dover 1985: KJ. Dover, Theocritus. Select Poems, Bristol 1985 (reprint with minor cor-
rections; la Basingstoke 1971)
Dover 1985a: KJ. Dover, Some Types ofAbnormal Word-Order in Attic Comedy, «CQ»
n.s. 35 (79), 1985, pp. 324-343 (= Dover 1987, pp. 43-66)
Dover 1987: KJ. Dover, Greek and thè Greeks. Collected papers. I: Language, Poetry,
Drama, Oxford-New York 1987
Dover 1988: KJ. Dover, The Greeks and TheirLegacy. Collected Papers. II: Prose Literature,
History, Society, Transmission, Influence, Oxford-New York 1988
Dover 1993: K. J. Dover, Aristophanes. Frogs, Oxford 1993
Dover 1994: KJ. Dover, Greek Popular Morality in thè Time of Plato and Aristotle,
Indianapolis-Cambridge 19942 (trad. it La morale popolare greca all’epoca di Platone
e Aristotele, Brescia 1983 [sulla la ed.])
Dover 2000: KJ. Dover, Frogments, Foreword in Harvey-Wilkins 2000, pp. xvii-xix
Dover 2002: KJ. Dover, Some Evaluative Terms in Aristophanes, in Willi 2002, pp. 85-97
Dover 2004: KJ. Dover, The Limits ofAllegory and Allusion in Aristophanes, in D.L.
Cairns-R.A. Knox (eds.), Law, Rhetoric, and Comedy in Classical Athens. Essays in
Honour of Douglas M. MacDowell, Swansea 2004, pp. 239-249
Drexhage 2002: H.-J. Drexhage, Zum lezten Mal zu den Komposita mit -πώλης?! Einige
Bemerkungen zur literarischen Oberlieferung, «MBAH» 21.2, 2002, pp. 74-89
Dubuisson 1977: M. Dubuisson, ΟΙ ΑΜΦΙ TINA, ΟΙ ΠΕΡΙ TINA: l’evolution des sens et
des emplois, Diss. Liège 1977
Diibner 1877: F. Diibner, Scholia Graeca in Aristophanem cum prolegomenis gramma-
ticorum, Parisiis 1877
Dunbar 1995: N. Dunbar, Aristophanes. Birds, Oxford 1995
Durbach 1911: F. Durbach, Fouilles de Délos, exécutées auxfrais de M. le Due de Loubat.
Inscriptions financières (1906-1909), I, «BCH» 35, 1911, pp. 5-86
Diiring 1936a: I. Diiring, Athenaios och Plutarchos, «Eranos» 34, 1936, pp. 1-13
Diiring 1936b: I. Diiring, De Athenaei Dipnosophistarum indole atque dispositione, in
Apophoreta Gotoburgensia Vileimo Lundstròm oblata, Goteborg 1936, pp. 226-270
Ebert 1978: J. Ebert, Das Parisurteil in derHypothesis zum Dionysalexandros des Kratinos,
«Philologus» 122, 1978, pp. 177-182
Edmonds FAC: J. M. Edmonds, The Fragments of Attic Comedy. I: After Meineke, Bergk
and Kock augmented, newly edited with their contexts, annotated and completely
translated into English verse byJ.M. Edmonds, I: Old Comedy, Leiden 1957; : Middle
Comedy, Leiden 1959; III.A: New Comedy except Menander. Anonymous fragments of
thè Middle and New Comedy, Leiden 1961; III.B: Menander, Leiden 1961
Ehrenberg 1957: V. Ehrenberg, L’Atene di Aristofane. Studio sociologico della Commedia
attica antica, Firenze 1957 (orig. The People of Aristophanes. A sociology of Old Attic
Comedy, Oxford 19512)