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Rosa, P. (1989): Note aTeleclide, GFF 12, 23-26.
Rosen, R. Μ. (2004): Aristophanes’ Frogs and the Contest of Homer and Hesiod, TAPhA
134, 295-322.
Rosenbloom, D. (2002): From Poneros to Pharmakos: Theater, Social Drama, and Revo-
lution in Athens, 428-404 BCE, ClAnt 21, 283-346.
Rosenbloom, D. (2004): Poneroi vs. Chrestoi: The Ostracism of Hyperbolos and the
Struggle for Hegemony in Athens after the Death of Perikies. Part I, TAPhA 134,
Rothwell, K. S. (1994): Was Carcinus I a Tragic Playwright?, CPh 89, 241-245.
Roux, J. (1970): Euripide. Les Bacchantes. I. Introduction, texte et commentaire par J.
R., Paris.
Ruffell, I. (2000): The World Turned Upside Down: Utopia and Utopianism in the
Fragments of Old Comedy, in: Harvey/Wilkins 2000, 473-506.
Ruffell, I. (2002): A Total Write-off. Aristophanes, Cratinus, and the Rhetoric of Comic
Competition, CQ 52, 138-163.
Ruffell, I. (2011): Politics and Anti-Realism in Athenian Old Comedy. The Art of the
Impossible, Oxford.
Ruiz Montero, C./Sanchez Alacid, Μ. D. (2006): La VitaAesopi y el griego coloquial de
epoca imperial (I), in: E. Calderon Dorda/A. Morales Ortiz/Μ. Valverde Sanchez
(Hgg.), Koinos Logos. Homenaje al profesor Jose Garcia Lopez. Vol. II, Murcia,
Rusten, J. (2006): The Four “New Lenaean Victors” of 428-5 B.C. (and the Date of the
First Lenaean Comedy) Reconsidered, ZPE 157, 22-26.
Rusten, J. (2011): The Birth of Comedy. Texts, Documents, and Art from Athenian
Comic Competitions, 486-280. Ed. by J. R. Translated by J. Henderson, D. Konstan,
R. Rosen, J. Rusten, and N. W. Slater, Baltimore.
Rutherford, W. G. (1881): The New Phrynichus. Being a Revised Text of the Ecloga of
the Grammarian Phrynichus. With Introduction and Commentary by W. G. R.,
Sanchez, P. (2001): LAmphictionie des Pyles et de Delphes. Recherches sur son role
historique, des origines au Ile siede de notre ere, Stuttgart.
Sauppe, H. (1863): Zum komiker Telekleides, Philologus 20, 174-176.
Schaefer, H. (1959): ‘Pylaia’ (3), RE XXIII.2, 2098-2099.
Schironi, F. (2009): From Alexandria to Babylon. Near Eastern Languages and Hellenis-
tic Erudition in the Oxyrhynchus Glossary (P.Oxy. 1802 + 4812), Berlin.
Schmaltz, B. (1995): Perikies, die Musik und die Meerzwiebel, MDAI(A) 110, 247-252.
Schmid, W. (1946): Die klassische Periode der griechischen Literatur, in: W. Schmid/ O.
Stählin (Hgg.), Geschichte der griechischen Literatur, Teil 1: Band 4, München.
Schmidt, Μ. (1854): Didymi Chalcenteri grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta quae su-
persunt omnia, Lipsiae.
Schneider, O. (1838): De veterum in Aristophanem scholiorum fontibus commentatio.
Collegit et disposuit O. S., Sundiae.
Scholten, H. (2003): Die Sophistik. Eine Bedrohung für die Religion und Politik der
Polis?, Berlin.