
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,1): Eupolis: Testimonia and Aiges - Demoi (frr. 1-146) — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2017

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context the sense is most often “add to a list of names, enrol” (LSJ s.v. II.1,
3).83 Official registries were maintained of e. g. men liable to the performance
of liturgies (Ar. Eq. 926), deme members (Aeschin. 1.18; D. 18.261; 57.46),
ephebes ([Arist.] Ath. 53.4), public debtors (And. 1.77 with MacDowell 1962
ad loc.; Aeschin. 1.35), and individuals guilty of various wrongs against the
state (Lys. 26.10). In a play entitled Astrateutoi, however, the obvious, easy
assumption—not necessarily right on that account—is that the reference is to
inclusion on the tribal rolls of men who might be drafted for hoplite service
(for which, see Taxiarchoi introductory n.; Ar. Eq. 1370-1; Pax 1179-81 with
Olson 1998 ad loc.·, Christ 2001).
fr. 3884 K.-A. (1 Dem.)
ώς ήρξε περί Μίνωαν αύτός ούτοσί
ώς ήρξεν αυτός περί Μινώαν ούτοσί Kaibel
how/that/when this man here himself was in charge around Minoia
Orus, On Orthography (Lex. Mess. fol. 280'1-9 ap. Rabe 1892. 405)
Μινωος συν τω ι, καί Μίνωα τό παρεσχηματισμένον, ω συνεξέδραμε καί τό μονογενές
όνομα Μίνωα ή νήσσος, κτητικού γάρ τύπου, σημειωτέον δέ ότι προπαροξύνεσθαι
αιτεί ή συστολή τού α. Εΰπολις Αστρατεύτοις·-. καί Αλκαίος Πασιφάη (fr. 28)·
-. τή γάρ συστολή ταύτη ακολουθήσει καί τό προπαροξύνεσθαι
Minoios with the iota, and the derived form Minoia, with which the undeclinable name
Minoia, the island, is identical, because it is genitive case. And it should be noted that
the shortening of the alpha requires an acute on the antepenult. Eupolis in Astrateutoi:
-. Also Alcaeus in Pasiphae (fr. 28):-. For the acute on the antepenult will be a
consequence of this shortening
Meter lambic trimeter.
—— —I- —-
Citation context From Orus’ discussion of iota subscript, probably taken over
more or less direct from Apollonius Dyscolus.

83 LSJ s.v. Π.2 “indict” cites only Ar. Pax 1180 (where the verb actually means “add
to the list [of hoplites eligible for service]”) and D. 37.24 (actually “include in a
written document”, as at e.g. Aeschin. 3.238; Lys. 20.27), and the sub-definition
should seemingly be struck.
84 Misnumbered as fr. 39 in Rusten 2011. 223.
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