
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,1): Eupolis: Testimonia and Aiges - Demoi (frr. 1-146) — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2017

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oaths: 26
non-standard: 253, 263
octopus: 421-3
olive, wild: 130
Paktolos: 157
Pan: 116 n. 71
Panathenaic games: 293
parabasis, fragments of: 20, 31-2, 131,
144, 172-3
parabasis proper: 127, 455
paratragedy: 93, 100, 344, 348, 350
Paris: 371
parodos: 32, 298
Pausanias (Atticist lexicographer): 15
Pauson: 331
peacock: 169, 170
pear, wild: 167
Peisander: 156-7, 329, 371
Peisistratus: 464, 465
performative utterance: 451
perfume: 209
Pericles: 293 n. 178, 304, 376, 377, 378-9,
386, 403-4, 408, 412, 415 n. 458
Pericles II: 404, 406, 408
Pericles son of Hippocrates: 412
Persephone: 169-70
Persius: 66
personal name used in abusive fashion:
279, 398
Persuasion (personified): 380
Phaiax son of Erasistratus of the deme
Acharnae; 107, 419
Pherecrates: 39
Philinos son of Kleippides of the deme
Acharnae: 336
Philistion; 82
Phormio son of Asopios of the deme
Paianea: 175, 464-5
phratries and phratry admission pro-
cesses: 337, 448, 471
Phrynichus (comic poet): 39
Epialtes or Ephialtes: 45
Phrynis (citharode): 290-5, 429
Phrynondas: 176-7
pine: 131

pipe and pipe-girl: 256
Pisistratos and Pisistratids: 302, 303
piss-pot: 197, 198
Plato (philosopher): 47, 65
Symposium: 55
Plato Comicus: 34, 47, 49
plural verb used to describe action of a
collective singular: 424
Plutarch: 69, 74
politicians, image of in comedy: 20
Pollux: 15
proboulos: 305 n. 195, 344
Prodamus: 137
producers, theatrical: 57
prologue: 32, 188
prostitution: 190, 231-2, 303, 338-9, 405
Protagoras of Abdera: 473
proverb: 361, 440, 457
prytaneion: 185, 444, 466
Ptolemy Chennos: 45
purse: 146
Pyanepsia festival: 452-3
Pyrilampes son of Antiphon: 169
Pyronides: 291, 296, 300-1, 343-4, 345,
350, 351, 353, 361, 366-7, 377, 387,
403-4, 412, 417, 419 n. 263, 426, 429,
430, 443
pyrrhic dance: 139
re-performance: 14
reconstruction of lost comedies: 17-18
revision of plays: 56-7, 181
rhetoric: 378, 380
Rhodia, mother of Autolykos: 208
ring, magical: 283
sacrifice: 133, 346, 347
sausage: 153
sea-anemone: 225
sea-bream: 173
seers: 341-2
Seleucus of Alexandria (scholar): 88, 95
sex: 93, 98, 199-200, 208, 220, 221, 273,
329, 338-9
sexual vocabulary: 26
sheep and goats: 106, 119, 123, 134, 139,
144, 152-3, 179, 413
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