
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Πόλεις (fr. 246)


fr. 246 K.-A. (232 K.)
αύτη Χίος, καλή πόλις < >
πέμπει γάρ ύμΐν ναϋς μακράς άνδρας θ’ όταν δέηση,
καί τάλλα πειθαρχεί καλώς, άπληκτος ώσπερ 'ίππος
„ < ~ „VEF . - νΜ
2 υμιν Σ : ήμιν Σ
This is Chios, a lovely city { }
for she sends you war-ships and men whenever necessary,
and she’s generally nice and obedient, like a horse that requires no
5~\RVETM λ x O O A
Σ Ar. Av. 880
Χίοισιν ήσθην·λΈΓ καί τούτο άφ’ ιστορίας έλαβεν. ηϋχοντο γάρ Αθηναίοι κοινή έπί των
θυσιών έαυτοΐς τε καί Χίοις,ΕνΕ™ επειδή έπεμπον οί Χϊοι συμμάχους εις Αθήνας, δτε
χρεία πολέμου προσήν.Ε καθάπερ Θεόπομπος έν τώ ιβ' των Φιλιππικών φησιν ούτως
(FGrH 115 F 104)·-·,νΕΓ λέγει δέ περί τής Χίου καί Εϋπολις έν Πόλεσιν·-1
I like the Chians:VEE (The poet) took this as well from history. For the Athenians
used to pray publicly at their sacrifices for themselves and the Chians,RVE™ since the
Chians used to send allied troops to Athens when war created a need for them.1' Just
as Theopompus says in Book 12 of the History of Philip, as follows (FGrH 115 F 104):
-?" And Eupolis too discusses Chios in Poleis:-·νΕ™

Meter lambic tetrameter catalectic.

Discussion Raspe 1832. 85-6; Herwerden 1855. 25; Cobet 1873. 235; Kock
18801.321; Whittaker 1935.183; Schiassi 1944. 73-4; Wilson 1977. 282-3; Rosen
1998. 154-8; Olson 2007. 96 (B28)
Citation context From a well-informed note on Peisetairos’ bomolochic com-
ment “I like the Chians being added everywhere!” on the Priest’s reference
to “the Cloudcuckooville-ians themselves and the Chians” in the prayer at
Ar. Av. 879.
Text There may be two speakers, with (B.)’s γάρ at the beginning of 2 mean-
ing “(Yes), for ...” (Denniston 1950. 73-4).
In 2, ύμΐν (ΣνΕΓ) rather than ήμΐν (ΣΜ) must represent what stood in the
common ancestor of all these notes—which does not mean that ύμΐν is correct
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