
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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78 Don’t talk nonsense! Don’t babble!
πεια clucking . [
Interpretation μηδ’ appears to be set slightly to the left of the material above
and below it, which combined with the extra space left between ϋθλει and
μή in 78, and the echo of μηδ’ in μή, suggests that μηδ’ ϋθλει is a lemma,
μή φ[λυάρει] commentary on it. For Lobel’s supplement, cf. Σ Ar. Nu.
783 ύθλεΐς· αντί τού διόλου φλυαρείς. 2 ϋθλος γάρ ό φλύαρος ;
[Hdn.] Epimerismoi ρ. 139.6 ϋθλος ή φλυαρία, καί ύθλομυθώ τό φλυαρώ. If
79 κλωγμός. [ is part of a new lemma (fr. 259h), -πεια (= e. g. [άνθρώ]πεια) at
the beginning of the line might either go along with it or be the end of the
note here.
ύθλέω and its cognates (etymology uncertain) are attested elsewhere in
the classical period only in comedy (also Ephipp. fr. 19.1) and in 4th-century
prose (Pl. Tht. 176b; Lys. 221d; R. 336d; D. 35.25), and are patently colloquial
vocabulary, ϋθλος is eventually picked up Lucian as an Atticism (e. g. Tim. 42).
fr. 259h = Eup. fr. 259.79 K.-A.
Meter Unknown.
Context POxy. 2813 fr. Id col. 11.39-43 = Eup. fr. 259.79-83 K.-A.
πεια κλωγμός . [ [άν-
80 θρώπων γ[
γλώττης [
τραγικός η[
]δ. ,παδ[
79-81 cf. Hsch. κ 3060 κλωγμός· ό διά τής γλώττης περί τον ουρανίσκον
ψόφος 79 suppl. Lobel
πεια clucking .[ of
so human beings γ[
of a tongue [
tragic (masc. nom. sing.) η[
]δ. ,παδ[
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