
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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(“ekkeklosmenos: thrown out; because a kldgmos is the sound made by the
tongue by means of which they threw bad contestants out of the theaters”)
- Phot, κ 803 κλώζειν- έκβάλλειν τη γλώσση ήχούντα· καί κλωγμόν την
φωνήν έλεγον ταύτην· ύποσύροντες γάρ τήν γλώτταν καί πλήσσοντες
τόν ουρανίσκον ποιόν ήχον άπετέλουν (“kidzein: to throw someone out
by making a sound with one’s tongue; and they used to call this noise a
kldgmos, because by drawing down their tongue and striking the roof of
their mouth they used to produce a sort of sound”)
- Eust. p. 154.17-18 = 1.237.1-2 κλώζεσθαι λέγονται καί άποσυρίττεσθαι οί
έν θεάτροις νικώμενοι καί κλωγμόν πάσχειν (“people in the Theater are
said klozesthai and to be whistled off and to suffer a klogmos when they
are defeated”)
- Eust. p. 1504.29-30 = i.175.44-5 κλωγμός δε κατά τούς παλαιούς, ό έν
θεάτρω διά στόματος προς τόν ούρανίσκον άποτελούμενός φασι ψόφος
(“Among the ancients, they say, a kldgmos was the sound produced in the
Theater orally against the roof of one’s mouth”).
82 may be commentary on a new lemma, e. g. the name of a tragic poet or
actor mocked along with Syrakosios and Exekestos.
From POxy. 2813 frr. 2-4
Nothing can be said of this material (the physical relationship of which to the
other fragments of the papyrus is unknown) except that there appears to be
a reference to a sacrificial victim (ίερεΐον) in fr. 2 5 9.85168 and to comedy or
someone mocked in comedy ([κ]ωμωιδ[) in fr. 259.87 (both from POxy. 2813
fr. 2).

From POxy. 2813 fr. 5
The physical relationship of this fragment to the other fragments of the papy-
rus is unknown, as is whether it in fact represents commentary on Prospaltioi.

168 Cf. fr. 259.89 ]ερματ(ων), i.e. δερμάτ(ων), “skins”?
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