
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Προσπάλτιοι (fr. 259)


]. crates. burglar
ο]υσιν inside with snakes
heroes are depicted a. [
125 ]ες and reviled ε[
Interpretation The empty space equivalent to several letters that follows 122
] ,κράτης—a personal name, perhaps complete (numerous 5lh-/4th-century ex-
amples in LGPNU, including the comic poet)—suggests that this is the end of
a lemma, and that what follows is commentary on it.
A τοιχωρύχος is literally a “wall-digger” and thus, in a society in which
most structures were made of mud-brick, a “burglar”. The word functions
as a simple form of abuse at e.g. Ar. Nu. 1327; Amips. fr. 23; Men. fr. 657, as
perhaps here.
ένδον μετ’ όφέω[ν] Snakes (123) are chthonic creatures and were there-
fore often associated with heroes (e.g. Kekrops at fr. 159 with n.; Asclepius at
Ar. Pl. 733-4, 741; Sophocles/Dexion at S. test. 69 (although see Connolly 1998
for cautions about the historicity of the tradition); Kychreus of Salamis at Paus.
1.36.1) and similar figures (e. g. Hecate at Ar. fr. 515.1-2); see Mitropoulou 1977.
Given the limited amount of information we have about Eupolis’ play, there is
little choice but to associate the depictions of heroes (sc. in wall-paintings or
the like) mentioned in 124 with the heroes referred to at 7-8 (fr. 259a; standing
in somehow for Athenian citizens?). But how the various ideas preserved in
this section of the commentary fit together is unclear.* 172 For heroes and hero
cult in this period generally, see Boehringer 2001, esp. 47-131; Ekroth 2002;
Currie 2005. 31-200; Ekroth 2007.
fr. 259n = Eup. fr. 259.125
κάπικήκαστον ε[
and reviled173 ε[
Meter lambic trimeter?
e.g. <x—- x>l— <>-<—>

17“ Storey 2011. 203 “inside the heroes are depicted with serpents” begs the issue by
ignoring the lacuna.
173 Not a superlative (Storey 2011. 203 “most reproachable”, apparently misunder-
standing the significance of the ending in -ιστός in the gloss in Phot. = Eust.
επονείδιστος, which is < ονειδίζω).
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