
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 268)


fr. 268b = fr. 268.7-8 K.-A. = S. fr. 595b.7-8

τοϋτ’ ού Σοφοκλέο[υς — ^]ρεις νιν ές φθόρ[ον]

τοϋτ’ ού Austin : [ποιη]τοϋ τού Luppe Σοφοκλέο[υς] suppl. Lobel ]ρεις vel
]φεις leg. Luppe : [προ]θείς Lobel : [ά]φείς Austin : fort, φθέρεις νιν] fort, νυν
ές φθόρ[ον] scripsi : εις φθόρ[ον] Austin : εις φθορ[άν] Lobel

This isn’t from Sophocles ... him to hell

Meter lambic trimeter.
Context POxy. 2740 fr. 1.7-11 = fr. 268.7-11 K.-A.
τοϋτ ού Σοφοκλέο[υς
ρεις νιν εις φθόρ[
]μενται τά δ’ άλλα[χόθεν
ίο ]Σοφοκλέους έσ[τί έκ]
]Τηρέως δοκώ [

7 suppl. Austin 9 suppl. Luppe 10 suppl. Lobel

This isn’t from Sophocles
ρεις νιν ές φθόρ[ον
]μενται, but what follows (is) from elsewhere
io ]belongs to Sophocles; from
] Tereus, in my opinion

Interpretation A paragraphos between 6 and 7 marks the beginning of a
lemma, and 7 τουτου and 8 ρεις are set slightly to the left of the material in 6,
showing that at least the beginning of 8 is also drawn from Eupolis. 10-11 are
certainly commentary—note the echo of 7 Σοφοκλέο[υς] in 10 Σοφοκλέους, as
well as the emergence of the commentator’s own voice in 12 δοκώ—and 9 as
restored here (following Luppe) must be as well. An empty letter-space after
11 δοκώ appears to mark the end of the note.
τοϋτ’ οϋ Σοφοκλέο[υς] Thus Austin 1973, comparing Men. Asp. 427
Εύριπίδου τοϋτ’ έστι, for the ambiguous 7 τουτου Σοφοκλεο[. For the recep-
tion of Sophocles in comedy, e.g. frr. 41.2 with n.; *260.23-5 with n.; Ar. Ra.
76-82; Phryn. Com. fr. 32; Olson 2007. 176.
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