
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 628)


Interpretation = the final two words of fr. 281, where see n. The line seems
more likely to have been spoken by Phormio’s interlocutor than by Phormio
An extra letter-space between [έ]πεκαλεΐτο and κό[ in 16, together with a
paragraphos between 16 and 17, mark κόκ[ as the beginning of a new lemma.

fr. 268f = 268.18-20 K.-A.204
ήδύ στρ[^ — x]0cci γε μήν έστι[cc^ —]αμισθον
στρ[ατεύεσ]θαι suppl. Luppe : fort. στρ[ατηγεΐ]σθαι γε μήν Luppe : πλην leg. Lobel
έστι[ν φέροντ]α μισθόν suppl. Luppe : fort, άμισθον
It’s nice, in fact, to ... wage
Meter lambic tetrameter catalectic.
—x>_„_ I —-
Context POxy. 2740 fr. 1.18-21 = fr. 268.18-21 K.-A.
κόκκυ. ήδύ στρ[
θαι γε μήν έστι[
20 αμισθον[ ά]ντ[ί τού
20 ά]ντ[ί τού] suppl. Lobel 20-1 [ά]ποφ[έρειν] Luppe : fort. [ά]ποφ[εύγειν]
kokku. It’s nice στρ[
θαι in fact is [
20 a wage : in place of
Interpretation Seemingly praise of the soldier’s life (contrast fr. 268e = 281).
An extra letter-space between κόκκυ and ήδύ in 18, together with a para-
graphos between 18 and 19, mark the beginning of a new lemma, and 19-20

204 Storey 2011. 212-13 prints the text as it appears in Kassel-Austin, but translates
“It is pleasant to serve in the army {and earn a) wage: instead of receive”, which
apparently represents an attempt to render Luppe’s conjecture into English. Rusten
2011. 265 prints his translation of the end of 2 “it (he?) is [ ... ] a wage” in plain
text, as it this were part of the commentary, and his translation of the gloss “[an
expression used] instea[d of]” in bold, as if this were part of the fragment of Eupolis.
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