
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 276)


“peeled, husked”, and thus by extension “delicate”), λεπίζω (“peel”), λεπύχανον
(Theopomp. Com. fr. 34.3 κρομμύου λεπυχάνω, “an onion-skin”), λοπίς (“[fish-]
scale”; e.g. Ar. V. 790) and λοπάς (“stewing pan”; see fr. 5 n.); and see Arnott
1996 on Alex. fr. 50.3.
τρεις is perhaps to be understood as a round number (~ “a handful”), as
in κόκκυγες γε τρεις (“three cuckoos”, i. e. “a flock of cuckoos”) at Ar. Ach. 598
and in words like τρισμακάριος (literally “thrice-blessed”, i. e. “much-bless-
ed”); and cf. Thesleff 1954 § 323.
άλμάδας sc. έλάας, “brined (olives)”, as at Ar. fr. 148.2, where they are
described as more firm (στιφράς) than δρυπεπεϊς έλάαι, i. e. than olives that
have been allowed to ripe fully on the tree; mentioned also at Hermipp. fr. 75.2;
Ar. fr. 408.2-3, and see above on λέποντα. For olives and olive oil generally,
see fr. 338.2 n.; Zohary, Hopf and Weiss 2012. 116-21; Warnock 2007.
fr. 276 K.-A. (257 K.)
ουκ, ήν φυλάττη γ’ ώδ’ εχων τήν ασπίδα
ήν φυλάττη γ’ ώδ’ Suda : ήν· φυλάττη δ’ Phot.
Not if you stay on guard, holding your shield like this
Phot. p. 658.14, 19-21 = Suda ω 14
ώδε ... τό δέ οϋτως έν τοΐς πλείστοις δηλοΐ· Εϋπολις Ταξιάρχοις·-
hdde ... But in most cases it has the sense “thus”; Eupolis in Taxiarchoi:-
Meter lambic trimeter.
—— _|_
Discussion Meineke 1839 1.144, 11.528; Kock 1880 1.328; Schiassi 1944. 47;
Storey 2003. 253
Citation context A richly informed lexicographic note, citing also Cratin.
fr. 59, Ar. fr. 362 and Plato (without reference to any specific passage) for ώδε
in the sense “hither”, and drawn from the common source of Photius and the
Suda generally referred to as Σ”.
Text The text as preserved in Photius is confused and unmetrical, and I report
it in the apparatus only because it is unclear from Kassel-Austin whether the
reading is φυλάττη δ’ ώδ’ or φυλάττη δ’.
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