
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,3): Eupolis frr. 326-497: translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verl. Antike, 2014

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ή ραψωδός ... κύων); the parodist Hegemon of Thasos ap. Ath. 15.698e; Ar. Ec.
678-9 ραψωδεϊν εσται τοΐς παιδαρίοισιν /τούς ανδρείους έν τώ πολεμώ (“the
boys will be able to rhapsdidein those who are brave in war”, with performanc-
es delivered from a βήμα, “speaker’s stand”, for which see the illustrations at
Bundrick 2005 pll. 95-8); X. Mem. 4.2.10; Smp. 3.5-6; Pl. Ion passim·, R. 373b;
Lg. 658d; Ath. 14.620a-d (citing numerous other sources).

fr. 484 K.-A. (448 K.)
Poll. 6.159
Εϋπολις δέ συμβίοτοι, συμπάροικοι (fr. 189), καί συνήλικες δ’ ό αυτός (fr. 193.5)
Eupolis (used) su mb io to i (and) sumparoikoi (fr. 189), and the same author also
used sunelikes (fr. 193.5)
Citation Context From a collection of συν-compounds. Material similar to
but more extensive than the first half of the note, and assigning the word
συμπάροικοι specifically to Kolakes, is preserved at Poll. 9.37.
Interpretation συμβίοτος (“sharing a life” or perhaps “a livelihood”; omitted
by LSJ, which opts instead for the substantive συμβιωτής, ό), like συμπάροικος
(fr. 189), is attested nowhere else. But βίοτος and βιοτή are primarily poetic
alternatives for common βίος, so this is likely a deliberately elevated coinage.

fr. 485 K.-A. (449 K.)
Phot, σ 754
συνεχώς· οΰ πυκνώς, άλλ’ άδιαλείπτως. ούτως Εϋπολις
sun exd s: not frequently, but constantly. Thus Eupolis

Citation Context A note on proper usage, seemingly correcting the less
discriminating point of view represented by e. g. Hsch. π 4335 πυκνώς· συνε-
χώς, συχνώς (“frequently: sunechds, at length”); σ 2577 συνεχώς· ενδελεχώς,
πυκνώς. αεί, άδιαλείπτως (“sunechds: continually; frequently; always, unin-
terruptedly”; traced by Hansen to Diogenianus). Theodoridis tentatively traces
the note to Diogenianus.
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