D. Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses
as exchange of social Information, influences individual activation. These results
provide new insight into the in-nest behavior of drones, and how their behavior
reflects their role as the male gametes of the colony. A manuscript detailing these
results is currently in review.
Hour of the day
Figure 2. Individual activity patterns ofhoney bee drones on different days. Raster plots, where each row repre-
sentsan individual drone on a particular day, shoiving (A) Speed and (B) Trips out of the hive, in 5-minute
bins. White areas are ivhen cameras ivere temporarily blocked to transcribe nest contents, and red Lines denote the
start/end ofthe shared activation period (theperiod ivhen a largefraction of all drones ivere activated). The drones
shoiv remarkable synchronization in the start and end times of their active periods, and ivhen weather is not ideal
(June 20-21), activation is either not observed or is very short.
Smith, Michael L., Jacob D. Davidson, Benjamin Wild, David M. Dormagen, Tim Landgraf,
and Iain D. Couzin. „Behavioral Variation across the Days and Lives of Honey Bees.“
IScience 25, no. 9 (September 16, 2022). https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104842.
as exchange of social Information, influences individual activation. These results
provide new insight into the in-nest behavior of drones, and how their behavior
reflects their role as the male gametes of the colony. A manuscript detailing these
results is currently in review.
Hour of the day
Figure 2. Individual activity patterns ofhoney bee drones on different days. Raster plots, where each row repre-
sentsan individual drone on a particular day, shoiving (A) Speed and (B) Trips out of the hive, in 5-minute
bins. White areas are ivhen cameras ivere temporarily blocked to transcribe nest contents, and red Lines denote the
start/end ofthe shared activation period (theperiod ivhen a largefraction of all drones ivere activated). The drones
shoiv remarkable synchronization in the start and end times of their active periods, and ivhen weather is not ideal
(June 20-21), activation is either not observed or is very short.
Smith, Michael L., Jacob D. Davidson, Benjamin Wild, David M. Dormagen, Tim Landgraf,
and Iain D. Couzin. „Behavioral Variation across the Days and Lives of Honey Bees.“
IScience 25, no. 9 (September 16, 2022). https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104842.