
Carrara, Laura [Hrsg.]; Meier, Mischa [Hrsg.]; Radtki-Jansen, Christine [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]
Malalas-Studien: Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas (Band 2): Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas: Quellenfragen — Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017

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The Influence of Julius Africanus’ Chronographiae 53
land remained barren and uninhabited for 206 years, as is related in the writings
of Africanus.10
In this passage Malalas is combining two sources. The first section, on the synchronism
between Joshua, son of Nun, and Ogygus αυτόχθων, does not belong to Africanus.
As far as the second section is concerned, Malalas evidently knows the chronological
structure of the rulers of Athens according to Africanus, which is also reflected, yet
again, by the Excerpta Latina Barbari. It is interesting to note that Malalas’ version
appears to be correctly transmitted by John of Antioch’s summary of the passage,
preserved in Parisinus gr. 1630, f. 238r, and by the chronicle of John of Nikiu (29, 2
Charles). Indeed, John of Antioch and John of Nikiu are the only witnesses to provide
the correct figure of 206 years, which harmonises perfectly with the chronology of Af-
ricanus. John of Antioch knows Africanus only through Malalas, so this correct figure
must have been in Malalas’ original text. This is also confirmed by John of Nikiu.11
Yet another fact concerning the kingdom of Athens appears to be fully in harmony
with the information provided by the Excerpta Latina Barbari, which also depend on
Africanus’ chronology. On the duration of the whole reign of the kings of Athens
Malalas states:
και κατελύθη ή βασιλεία των Αθηναίων, κρατήσασα έτη χζ', καθώς
Αφρικανός ό σοφότατος χρονογράφος έξέθετο.
The kingdom of the Athenians was abolished after lasting for 907 years, according
to the exposition of Africanus, the most learned chronographer.12
The Excerpta Latina Barbari provide the same duration, 907 years.13 The list of the
kings of Corinth is interesting in showing how Malalas presents Greek history in the

10 Malalas, Chronographia III 11 [e Malala pendent loannes Antiochenus, Historia chronica fr. 23,1 Roberto
et loannes Niciensis, Chronicon 29 Charles] = lulius Africanus, ChronographiaePpyz Wall raff/ Roberto
(whence the number σς', see the following note). See on the rulers of Athens lulius Africanus, Chro-
nographia fr. 54 Wallraff/Roberto.
11 Consequently, the number of the years in Thurn’s edition, σο' (= 270), should be emended to the correct
number σς' (= 2o6). In fact, according to Africanus’ chronology, 814 years elapsed from the first year of
king Cecrops to Olympiad 1, 1 (lulius Africanus, Chronographiae F54a, 47-48 Wallraff/Roberto); the
addition of 206 years from the Exodus to the first year of Cecrops’ reign yields a total of 1020 years from
the Exodus and the flood under Ogygus to Olympiad 1,1. The sum corresponds precisely to Africanus’
reckoning (lulius Africanus, Chronographiae F34, 40-41 Wall raff/ Roberto). On the problem see Ro-
berto (2007). See also loannes Niciensis, Chronicon 29, 2 Charles: “And it {seit. Attica) became a desert
and no man dwelt therein for two hundred and six years, as Africanus has recorded in his chronicle”.
12 Malalas, Chronographia IV 6 (p. 51, 82-84 Thurn) = lulius Africanus, Chronographiae T54f, 5-7 Wallraff/
13 Excerpta Latina Barbari p. 300,10-12 Frick = lulius Africanus, Chronographiae F54a, 58-60 Wallraff/
Roberto: Et cessavit regnum Athineorum in olympiada vicesima quarta. Fiunt vero omnem Athineorum
fortitudinem a Cecropo usque Oxyrium ann. noningenti septem.
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