
Carrara, Laura [Hrsg.]; Meier, Mischa [Hrsg.]; Radtki-Jansen, Christine [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]
Malalas-Studien: Schriften zur Chronik des Johannes Malalas (Band 2): Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas: Quellenfragen — Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2017

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Malalas’ Sources for the Contemporary Books


the original source for the less credible Martian propaganda stories that the prudent
Malalas rejected. This possibility, even probability, needs to be noted given that Tread-
gold’s The Early Byzantine Historians is likely to become the most widely read general
book on Byzantine Historians for some time with its huge praise for Eustathius (of
whom virtually nothing survives), and its unjustified rejection of Malalas as a charla-
tan and a fraud. The truth may well be close to exactly the opposite.
Evagrius Scholasticus, Historia Ecclesiastica = The ecclesiastical history of Evagrius with the scholia
edited with introduction, critical notes, and indices by J. Bidez and L. Parmentier, London 1898
(Reprint Amsterdam 1964).
Ησυχίου έκ τού είς την Χριστού γέννησιν = Ησυχίου έκ τού είς την Χριστού γέννησιν
in: Humfredi Hody de autore Prolegomena, in: loannis Malalae Chronographia ex recensione
Ludovici Dindorfii (CSHB 15), Bonnae 1831, pp. lii-liii.
Georgius Cedrenus, Historiarum compendium = Georgii Cedreni Historiarum compendium.
Edizione critica a cura di Luigi Tartaglia vol. II (Supplemente n. 30 al Bollettino dei Classici.
Accademia nazionale dei Lincei), Roma 2016.
loannes Lydus, De magistratibus = loannis Lydi De magistratibus populi Romani libri tres edidit
Ricardus Wünsch, Lipsiae 1903.
Malalas, Chronographia = loannis Malalae Chronographia recensuit loannes Thurn (CFHB 35),
Berolini/Novi Eboraci 2000; loannis Malalae Chronographia ex recensione Ludovicii Din-
dorfii. Accedunt Chilmeadi Hodiique annotationes et Ric. Bentleii epistola ad Io. Millium,
Bonnae 1831; Jeffreys, E./Jeffreys, M./Scott, R., The Chronicle of John Malalas. A Translation
(Byzantina Australiensia 4), Melbourne 1986.
Procopius, Bellum Vandalicum = Procopii Caesarensis opera omnia recognovit Jacobus Haury vol.
I de Bellis libri I-IV editio stereotypa correctior addenda et corrigenda adiecit Gerhard Wirth,
Lipsiae 1962.
Romanos Melodos, kontakia = Sancti Romani Melodi Cantica. Cantica genuina edited by Paul
Maas and C.A. Trypanis, Oxford 1963; Romanos Melodos Die Hymnen, übersetzt und er-
läutert von Johannes Koder. Erster Halbband (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur 62), Stutt-
gart 2005; zweiter Halbband (Bibliothek der griechischen Literatur 64), Stuttgart 2006.
Theophanes, Chronographia = Theophanis Chronographia recensuit Carolus de Boor, volumen I
textum graecum continens, Lipsiae 1883.
Baldwin (1991) = Baldwin, B., s.v. Jordanes, in: Kazhdan, A.P. et al. (eds.),The Oxford Dictionary
of Byzantium, volume 2 Esot - Nika, New York/Oxford 1991, p. 1072.
Barkhuizen (1995) = Barkhuizen, J.H., Romanos Melodos: On Earthquakes and Fires, in: JÖB 45
(1995), pp. 1-18.
Blaudeau (2016) = Blaudeau, P, Malalas and the Representation of Justinian’s Reign: a Few Re-
marks, in: Meier, M./Radtki, Ch./Schulz, F. (eds.), Die Weltchronik des Johannes Malalas.
Autor - Werk - Überlieferung (Malalas Studien 1), Stuttgart 2016, pp. 77-89.
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