
Wülfing, Ernst; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften / Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse [Editor]
Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse: Abteilung A, Mathematisch-physikalische Wissenschaften (1914, 8. Abhandlung): Zur Erinnerung an Harry Rosenbusch — Heidelberg, 1914

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Zur Erinnerung an Harry Rosenbusch.

(A. 8) 5

the Science. The ränge of knowledge therein revealed is enormous,
yet we never feel that his writings are overburdened with detail, because
of the power of philosophical generalization with which he marshals his
facts, and reduces the whole to a consistent and well co-ordinated unity.
As a teacher Prof. RosENBuscH has especially excelled, and the
devotion and enthusiasm both of himself and his pupiis have greatly
helped to awaken the interest of geologists in petrological investigations,
and to give to these investigations the prominent position that they
now occupy.
The Council of the Geological Society award their Wollaston Medal
to Prof. RosENBUscn, in grateful appreciation of these pre-eminent
Services to geological Science."
Ich wüßte nicht, wie man RosENBUSCHS Verdienste in so kurzer
Form treffender darstehen könnte. Auch die Antwort, die RosEN-
BuscH an die Geological Society durch die Hand Professor SoLLAs'
gelangen ließ und die ebenfalls im Quarterly Journal abgedruckt
ist, scheint mir wert, hier mitgeteilt zu werden. Sie lautet:
"Mr. President — Although the Geological Society, for many
years past, has accustomed me to a most benevolent judgment of my
scientific work, I feel greatly surprised by the award of the Wollaston
Medal, the highest honour which the Council of this illustrious Society
can bestow. I beg to offer my cordial thanks for this distinction, which
I thought far beyond the limits of my aspirations.
I may proudlyconfess tohavepassed alife ofearnestandunceasing
endeavour in the attempt to understand and to decipher those grand
and mysterious documents, wherein the geological history of our mother
Earth has been written down by Nature itself; but I am fully aware
of the insignificance of the results obtained. Every word, which it is
our good fortune to decipher, involves a riddle, and so I daily repeat
the first scientific experience of my infancy — that the art of spelling
is a most difficult one.
There are many members in this illustrious Corporation to whom
I owe a vast debt of scientific information and of personal encouragement.
The high honour received at their hands on this day will be a Stimulus
to me for ever-renewed attempts to proceed on my onward way, Y^ptxoxM
SAlsi 8LS(xox6[rEvo<;. It will be, indeed, a great satisfaction to
me, if the rest of my life's work prove not unworthy of the approbation
o-f this ancient and renowned Society."
Ein Eahnbrecher von dieser Redeutung kann nicht in einem
kurzen Nekrologe voll gewürdigt werden. Ich muß mich hier
darauf beschränken, einige Hauptdaten aus seinem Leben, seinem
Studiengang und seiner Lehr- und Forschertätigkeit zusammen-
zustellen sowie einige Charakterzüge anzuführen. Einer künftigen
Geschichte der Petrographie wird es überlassen bleiben, auf
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