are engraved by the same carver. In this case the meaning would
be: "For the protection of Vijida".
On the right side ofthe photo is legible:
/fnyz'7ig^?2%, "this is a religious gift from Jaisinga (for Skt. /%y%-
?). Another word beginning with y% or follows where
the photo breaks off.
8b. I am not able to decipher the graffito on PI. 212 with any PA 212
certainty. The meaning remains obscure. The provisional reading:
8 c. The reading and meaning of the graffito on PI. 213 is also far PA 212
from being certain. It seems to be a name ending as usual with
the ending of the a-declension, with sy%. My proposal for
the reading of this graffito is: whatever the
name means. A second graffito in a very faint script reads: sn
8d. The last graffito of this series is added to a pornographic PA 214
scene which reminds scrawls still painted on public walls. It shows
two men(?)^ about to indulge in sexual intercourse. A naked
20 The interpretation of the symbol ^ as a wazzga/a sign, perhaps repre-
senting a conch shell, or sz'44^a???, or ow is still under discussion. A vast
amount of material.has to be gone through. Most of the mss. from
Eastern Turkestan as well from the northern as from the southern
route use at the beginning of a text sz44^az/: written with aAsaras. sz is
sometimes ornate. Gilgit inscriptions and mss. prefer, as far as I know,
the symbol under discussion, but it is also found in the Bower ms. (see
below). According to Champa Thupten Zongtse, in the Tibetan mss.
and blockprints >> ^22^23 « has the function of de-
' V V v v v .
noting the recto sides of the folios, ow is always written , often
followed by svastz. Dr. G. ROTH kindly informed me about an article
by J.J. BOELES 1947: 40—56, who regards it as a waziga/a represent-
ing ow (cf. 43), and derives it from the initial vowel O (44), which is
not convincing. Meanwhile, two articles dealing with this symbol are
published by ROTH 1986: 2 39-249 and SANDER 1986: 251-61.
21 [ ] a^saras added by the present writer, not written in the inscription. —
About a^yad&zrwa and z^pa^awia cf. v. HINOBER 1980a: 54.
22 For Skt. gM^ya? g^a is more probable than ya which always has a loop
on the left side. Cf. Pi. 214 Jrzzg^ayzzsaw.
23 The upper stroke of -z in s?z is connected with the 4 of vz.
24 It is not certain if the person is a man or a woman, but there is some
probability that it might be a man. Cf. note 28.
be: "For the protection of Vijida".
On the right side ofthe photo is legible:
/fnyz'7ig^?2%, "this is a religious gift from Jaisinga (for Skt. /%y%-
?). Another word beginning with y% or follows where
the photo breaks off.
8b. I am not able to decipher the graffito on PI. 212 with any PA 212
certainty. The meaning remains obscure. The provisional reading:
8 c. The reading and meaning of the graffito on PI. 213 is also far PA 212
from being certain. It seems to be a name ending as usual with
the ending of the a-declension, with sy%. My proposal for
the reading of this graffito is: whatever the
name means. A second graffito in a very faint script reads: sn
8d. The last graffito of this series is added to a pornographic PA 214
scene which reminds scrawls still painted on public walls. It shows
two men(?)^ about to indulge in sexual intercourse. A naked
20 The interpretation of the symbol ^ as a wazzga/a sign, perhaps repre-
senting a conch shell, or sz'44^a???, or ow is still under discussion. A vast
amount of material.has to be gone through. Most of the mss. from
Eastern Turkestan as well from the northern as from the southern
route use at the beginning of a text sz44^az/: written with aAsaras. sz is
sometimes ornate. Gilgit inscriptions and mss. prefer, as far as I know,
the symbol under discussion, but it is also found in the Bower ms. (see
below). According to Champa Thupten Zongtse, in the Tibetan mss.
and blockprints >> ^22^23 « has the function of de-
' V V v v v .
noting the recto sides of the folios, ow is always written , often
followed by svastz. Dr. G. ROTH kindly informed me about an article
by J.J. BOELES 1947: 40—56, who regards it as a waziga/a represent-
ing ow (cf. 43), and derives it from the initial vowel O (44), which is
not convincing. Meanwhile, two articles dealing with this symbol are
published by ROTH 1986: 2 39-249 and SANDER 1986: 251-61.
21 [ ] a^saras added by the present writer, not written in the inscription. —
About a^yad&zrwa and z^pa^awia cf. v. HINOBER 1980a: 54.
22 For Skt. gM^ya? g^a is more probable than ya which always has a loop
on the left side. Cf. Pi. 214 Jrzzg^ayzzsaw.
23 The upper stroke of -z in s?z is connected with the 4 of vz.
24 It is not certain if the person is a man or a woman, but there is some
probability that it might be a man. Cf. note 28.