
Fussman, Gérard [Hrsg.]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 3): Reports and studies — Mainz, 1994

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1 cm
The first word and last akyaras are damaged but the reading is cer-
tain. ya/ya-varma is a kyafnya name. The inscription is to be dated
in the 2nd-5th cent., judging from the shape of the ya.
13 On the same boulder, to the right of a two lines Sogdian inscrip-
tion, in Brahmi: yayaraJalapala, "son of Susuradata" (photo 9).
yayara° is known, as the first member of another compound proper
name, at Thor North (rock 114:6). ^ala is clearly Middle-Indie;
&?la is Sanskrit %zlfa, written, as in early Brahmi inscriptions or
by mistake, without the double consonant.
14 On another side of the same boulder, in Brahmi: ka/aiyayya, "of
Kulaiya" (photo 10). The second akyara could be a /I. The tripar-
tite ya, with a hook on its left side, is similar to one ya illustrated
by Dani and dated by him in the 6th cent.^
15 On the upper part of the eastern side (photo 12) of the same boul-
der, in Brahmi: yn Aarzyg/aa/yya, "of Sri Harisena" (photo 11).
It is a Vishnuite proper name in correct Sanskrit. The angular
head of the akyara ya and the triangular headmarks suggest a 5th
cent, date.^
16 Next to the previous inscription, at its right, in Brahmi: /yokkayau-
fra ^rapla, "Sobhamitra came" (photo 12).
A faint trace at the end of the inscription could be read as aa, but
I am not sure it is an akyara. Same writing and date as the previ-
ous inscription.
17 Below the previous inscription, in Brahmi: + + kkara (photo 12).
The triangular headmark of the ra suggests a 5th cent. date.
18 On the western side of the same boulder, in Brahmi: ka/a/aya va +
(photo 13).
Xa/a-jaya is a Sanskrit proper name, in the nominative case, "vic-
tory of the family". It occurs five times at Helor Das East, two
11 DANi 1963: pi Xllb, 11.
12 DANI 1963: pi Xllb, 1; SANDER 1968: Tafe! 10, k; DANI 1983: 70-72.
© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften