
Wolgast, Eike [Hrsg.]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Hrsg.]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Hrsg.]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Hrsg.]; Arend, Sabine [Bearb.]; Sehling, Emil [Begr.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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16. Old Discipline - New Discipline 1557

17. Wherfore we think it expedient for the churche,
that 4 men of speciall gravitie, authoritie and credit
in the churche, such as off themselves be able to
lyve and will do this godlie office rather for Christes
sake and the love, they beare to him and his poore
flock, then for anie there [= their] owne necessitie or
worldly rewarde, be chosen to be Deacons, whiche 4
deacons shall have the custodye off the treasure and
distribution off the same and other almes off the
churche remaininge in their handes and kepinge in
suche sorte as it shall seme good to the ministers,
seniors and Deacons for the moste saftie [= safety]
off the said treasure.
18. Item that although the Deacons have in their
custodie the treasure off the churche, yet the mini-
sters and seniors shall have knowledge of the whole
summe off the sayd treasure.
19. Provided allwaies, that neither the saied 4 Dea-
cons, ministers, Seniors or anie of them shall have
anie knowledge or make anie inquisition off the ge-
ver or gevers of anie Almes to the poore off the say-
ed churche, otherwise then messinger or bringer off
the saied Almes shall of himselff declare to whom,
and as he hathe commission from the gevers, so to
doo, but that the gyfte be receavid and knowen and
the gever and gevers names unknowen and kept clo-
se with all possible secresie.
20. Item that the saied Deacons once in a monethe,
that is the last daie of every monethe, shall make
there accoumpts before the ministers and senyors,
howe the saied treasures be bestowed, and that all
the saied companie, so appointed to make the ac-
coumpt, shall note the remayns of the saied treasure
at the daie and yere in the whiche every accoumpt
shall be taken.
21. Item we thinke good and do decree, that there
beinge a schole in the saied churche (seing the saied
scoole is a member of the saied churche, as of the
whole bodie) the treasure for the | cxxi | mayntenance
and for the maintenance off the other poore also be
11 Mt 20,1-16.

all one and joyned together, that neither in the pro-
curing off the saied treasure or in the distribution
theroff anie occasion off division, emulation or con-
tention do happen amonge them, who ought to live
together like bretheren and members of one bodie in
all concorde, conjunction and unitie, otherwise the
schole, whiche is of itselff so worthie a member off
the bodie, maye by abuse, cause not onely the hin-
derance, but also the destruction off the whole body.
22. Item that in the distribution off the saied trea-
sure a speciall regarde be had of the saied studentes
that be poore. First, for that they be poore, and
againe, for that they be destinate to be workmen in
the lordes vinearde11 and so worthie members in the
bodie. And that as they be studious of the scriptures
specially and yet with all of other liberal artes also,
as mynisters and handemaides to the settinge foorth
off goddes worde, so they maye be liberally handled
and receyve goddes blessinge, whiche is the libera-
litie off the godlie withowt the shame and abash-
ment as the gyft off god, who geveth to all men and
upraideth no man.
23. Item it is decreed and also the whole congrega-
tion desirethe the Deacons monthlie to visit and
speake privately with the saied studentes, that be
poore and other poore also, and to examin their sta-
tes frindly and charitablie and according to every
mannes necessitie as the treasure of the churche will
beare, to offre to everie one off them with obtesta-
tion to them, that yf they have no nede theroff, they
receive it not. For that were nothing ells but to rob-
be the nedie for, so shall bothe, the shamefastnes of
the honest and liberall natures, be saved and the
treasure off the churche willingly spared. For he
that upon suche obtestation will not refraine, to re-
ceive that is offred, when he hathe no nede, will not
be ashamed to begg and crave, when he hath no
nede, and that not onely lyinge, but also with per-
jurie yf nede be.
24. Item yf anie by evident profes such as cannot be
gaine saied be founde to have taken or used the trea-

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