1 cm
Testimonia (test. 47)


test. 46 K.-A. (= test, xxxviii Storey)
Marius Plotius Sacerdotus, Artes Grammaticae ΠΙ.7 (Grammatici Latini VI p.
chori.ambi.cum eupolidium tetrametrum catalecticum fitprimo pede ditrochaeo,
secundo choriambo, tertio ditrochaeo, quarto, id est novissimo, amphimacro:
di boni servate sacerdotem vos colentem vos
A choriambic Eupolidean tetrameter catalectic is made up out of a ditrochaic
first foot, a choriambic second foot, a ditrochaic third foot, and an innovative
cretic fourth foot:
Good gods, keep safe the priest who serves you!
Citation context From a discussion of choriambic meters in a late 3rd-century
CE grammatical treatise.
Interpretation The metrical scheme in question is analyzed here as ——
——ο—o (cf. test. 47 with n.), which represents a misunderstand-
ing of the Greek Eupolidean (00—x—00—x—^—; see test. 45 with n.).

test. 47 K.-A. (= test, xxxix Storey)
Marius Victorinus, Artes Grammaticae III.l (Grammatici Latini VI p. 144.6-8
= p. 145.35-7)
trochaicum tetrametrum catalecticum quartum iambum habens, quod eupo-
lidion vocatur:
luppiter vocatus adest, difavete ceteri
A trochaic tetrameter catalectic with an iambic fourth foot, which is called
a Eupolidean:
Jupiter has been summoned and is present, may you other gods show favor

Citation context From a discussion of trochaic meters in a 4th-century CE
grammatical treatise.
Interpretation See test. 46 n. In this case, the meter is analyzed as — —
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