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Addenda and Corrections to FrC 8.2 and FrC 8.3
fr. 148.2 Uncontracted άειδω (contrast normal contracted Attic άδω) is mostly
restricted to lyric (Eup. fr. 148.2; Ar. Eq. 1266; Lys. 1243; Eh. 115) or to passages
with high-style coloring of some sort (Cratin. fr. 338; Men. fr. 163.1).
frr. 157a and 158 Protagoras of Abdera is PAA 790895.
fr. 179 Marpsias is PAA 635500 (not 635505).
fr. 183 For μόλυβδος/μόλιβος (attested already in Mycenean, and apparently
borrowed from Lydian), see Melchert 2004.
fr. 191 Correct the accent on the penultimate word in the fragment to grave
fr. 192.48-9 For the text, see Cartlidge 2016, who suggests ούδ’ αν κενόν
τρύπημά γ’ έν τάίς οίκίαις αν εύρες.
fr. 278 The lines ought to be separated to indicate that these are not to be taken
as continuous text; see Interpretation. For ένεβρόντησε in 1, cf. also Archil, fr.
120.2 οϊνω συγκεραυνωθείς φρένας.
fr. 279 For the proverb όνος λύρας, see also Drago 2007. 301. For the image of
the donkey in comedy, see also Blümner 1891. 215-19.
Chrysoun genos To Discussion, add Neri 1994-1995, esp. 275-81.
fr. 298.4 Archestratus is also PA 2403.
fr. 303 Alcaeus the citharode is also PAA 120992.
fr. 328.2 ότιή is also attested in Alex. fr. 268.3, suggesting that the form had a
somewhat longer life than the note suggests.
fr. 337.2 For βολβοί, see also Casoria, Menale, Muoio and Botanico 1999.
fr. 345 (p. 58) πνίγος in Pherecr. fr. 191 more likely means “hot weather” than
“a pnigos” (i.e. a portion of a parabasis).
fr. 352 For Cleonymus and his shield, see also Ornaghi 2008.
fr. 355 For discussion of this fragment, see also Battistella 2005.

fr. 412 Strike the reference to Millis 2015.
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