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Αίγες (fr. 27)


fr. 26 K.-A. (24 K.)
Antiatt. ß 1
βίος· έπί ουσίας (sic Kassel-Austin : επί συνουσίας cod. : έπί τής ουσίας Valente).
Ηρόδοτος (e. g. 7.28.3), Μένανδρος Δημιουργώ (fr. 112), Εϋπολις Αίξίν, ό ποιητής
bios: referring to property (thus Kassel-Austin : “referring to company” cod.: “refer-
ring to one’s property” Valente). Herodotus (e. g. 7.28.3), Menander in Demiourgos (fr.
112), Eupolis in Aiges, the poet (i. e. Homer) frequently

Citation context Another fragment of the same original note—drastically
epitomized in the form in which it has come down to us in the Antiatticist —
appears to be preserved at Phot, β 143 βίον· έπί τής ούσίας. Μένανδρος
Παλλακή (fr. 284) (“bion: referring to one’s property. Menander in Pallake (fr.
284)”). Note also Hsch. o 1875 ούσία· ... πλούτος ... βίος, κτήσις; Suda β 293
βίος· ποτέ μέν ή ούσία των κτημάτων.
Interpretation For βίος (properly “life”) in the sense “livelihood” (LSJ s. v. II),
e.g. Semon. fr. 7.85; Thgn. 228; Epich. fr. 31.4; Th. 1.5.1; E. fr. 198.1; Ar. Eq. 1101.
Homer actually uses βίοτος (e.g. II. 5.544; Od. 1.160, 377; cf. Hes. Th. 605), but
cf. βίος meaning “livelihood” in early epic at e.g. Hes. Op. 31, 42.

fr. 27 K.-A. (25 K.)
Antiatt. ε 15
έ λ ε ι ν ό ν ■ αντί τού ελεεινόν. Εϋπολις Αίξίν
e I e i η ο η: in place of eleeinon (“pitiful”). Eupolis in Aiges
Citation context Cf. Phot, ε 581 έλεεινά καί έλεινά· δίχως τούτο λέγουσιν
(“eleeina and eleina: they use both forms of the word”). The short form of
the adjective is so widely dispersed (see Interpretation) that it is difficult to
believe that this was a controversial claim. But perhaps someone insisted that
έλεεινός was to be restored everywhere, and the Antiatticist cited a passage
from Eupolis to prove that it could not be.
Interpretation έλεινός is the standard Attic form of the adjective (e. g. S. OT
672; E. Hel. 992; [A.] PV246; Ar. Ph. 1063 έλεινώς; Pl. Phd. 59a; D. 19.65; Men.
Sam. 371) and is metrically guaranteed at Ar. Ra. 1063 (Bentley’s correction
of the impossible paradosis έλεεινοί; noted by Kassel-Austin) and S. Ph. 1130.
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