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Pease 1933: Arthur Stanley Pease, “Notes on Ancient Grafting”, ΤΑΡΑ 64: 66-76
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Peppier 1921: Charles W. Peppier, “Comic Terminations in Aristophanes Part V”, AJP
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Petersen 1910: Walter Petersen, Greek Diminutives in -ion: a study in semantics (Weimar)
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Osborne and Hornblower 1994: Robin Osborne and Simon Hornblower (eds.), Ritual,
Finance, Politics. Athenian Democratic Accounts Presented to David Lewis (Oxford)
Ostuni 1982/3: Giuseppe A. Ostuni, “Note ad Eupoli”, Annali della Facoltd di lettere e
filosofia della Universitä di Bari 25/26: 121-8
O’Sullivan 1992: Neil O’Sullivan, Alcidamas, Aristophanes and the Beginnings of Greek
Stylistic Theory (Hermes Einzelschriften 60: Stuttgart)
Padilla 2000: Mark Padilla, “Gifts of Humiliation: Charis and Tragic Experience in
Alcestis”, AJP121: 179-211
Page 1941: D. L. Page, Select Papyri Vol. Ill Literary Papyri, Poetry (Loeb Classical
Library 360: Cambridge Mass, and London)
Palagia and Choremi-Spetsieri 2007: Olga Palagia and Alkestis Choremi-Spetsieri (eds.),
The Panathenaic Games (Oxford)
Pantis and Stamou 1991: J. D. Pantis and G. P. Stamou, “Spatial Distribution and Density
Dependent Growth and Flowering of Asphodelus aestivus Brot”, Vegetatio 97: 89-96
Parke 1977: H. W. Parke, Festivals of the Athenians (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life:
Parker 1983: Robert Parker, Miasma: Pollution and Purification in early Greek Religion
Parker 1988: L. P. E. Parker, “Eupolis the Unruly”, PCPS 34: 115-22
Parker 1996: Robert Parker, Athenian Religion: A History (Oxford)
Parker 1997: L. P. E. Parker, The Songs of Aristophanes (Oxford)
Parker 1998: Victor Parker, “Τύραννος: The Semantics of a Political Concept from
Archilochus to Aristotle”, Hermes 126: 145-72
Patterson 1990: Cynthia Patterson, “Those Athenian Bastards”, CA 9: 40-73
Patzer 1994: Andreas Patzer, “Sokrates in den Fragmenten der Attischen Komödie”, in
Bierl and von Möllendorff 1994, pp. 50-81
Pease 1933: Arthur Stanley Pease, “Notes on Ancient Grafting”, ΤΑΡΑ 64: 66-76
Pelekidis 1962: Chrysis Pelekidis, Histoire de l’ephebie attique des origines ά 31 avant
Jesus-Christ (Travaux et Memories de l’Ecole Frangaise d’Athenes Fase. XIII: Paris)
Penniston 1990/1991: Joyce K. Penniston, “Quot homines tot sententiae: Off-stage
Acquaintances in Ancient Comedy”, CJ 86: 150-7
Peppier 1921: Charles W. Peppier, “Comic Terminations in Aristophanes Part V”, AJP
Perrone 2009: Serena Perrone (ed.), Commentaria et Lexica in Papyris Reperta Part II
Commentaria in Adespota Vol. 4 Comoedia et Mimus (Berlin)
Perusino 1968: Franca Perusino, Il tetrametro giambico catalettico nella comedia graca
(Studi di Metrica Classica 5: Rome)
Perusino and Colantonio 2012: Franca Perusino and Maria Colantonio, La commedia
greca e la storia (testimonianze sulla cultura greca 6: 2012)
Petersen 1910: Walter Petersen, Greek Diminutives in -ion: a study in semantics (Weimar)
Pettazzoni 1997: Raffaele Pettazzoni, I misteri: saggio di una teoria storico religiosa
Pfeiffer 1949: Rudolfus Pfeiffer (ed.), Callimachus Vol. I Fragmenta (Oxford)
Phillips 1990: David Phillips, “Observations on some ostraka from the Athenian Agora”,
ZPE 83: 123-48