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Threatte 1980: Leslie Threatte, The Grammar ofAttic InscriptionsVcA. I Phonology (Berlin
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Threatte 1996: Leslie Threatte, The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions Vol. II Morphology
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Todd 1990: Stephen Todd, “The purpose of evidence in Athenian courts”, in Cartledge,
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Toepffer 1889: lohannes Toepffer, Attische Genealogie (Berlin)
Torello 2008a: Giulia Torello, “The Resurrection of Aristeides, Miltiades, Solon and
Perikles in Eupolis’ Demes”, Antichthon 42: 40-55
Torello 2008b: Giulia Torello, review of Telo 2007, in BMCR 2008.04.21
Torello 2012: Giulia Torello, “Astrateia and Lipostration on the Comic Stage”, in Rosen-
bloom and Davidson 2012, pp. 190-203
Tosi 1991: Renzo Tosi, Dizionario delle sentenze latine e greche (Milan)
Totaro 1998: Piero Totaro, “Amipsia”, in Belardinelli et al. 1998, pp. 133-94
Totaro 2000: Piero Totaro, Le seconde parabasi di Aristofane (Drama Beiheft 3: Stuttgart
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Totaro 2007: Piero Totaro, review of Storey 2003, in Gnomon 79: 577-81
Toup 1790: Jo(nathan) Toup, Emendationes in Suidam et Hesychium et alios lexicogra-
phos Graecos (2 vols.: Oxford)
Tracy 2015: Stephen V. Tracy, “The Dramatic Festival Inscriptions of Athens: The
Inscribers and Phases of Inscribing”, Hesperia 84: 553-81
Traill 1975: John S. Traill, The Political Organization of Attica: A Study of the Demes,
Trittyes, and Phylai, and Their Representation in the Athenian Council (Hesperia
Supplement 14: Princeton)
Travlos 1971: J. Travlos, Bildlexicon zur Topographie des antiken Athen (Tübingen)
Treheux 1958: Jacques Treheux, “Le sens des adjectifs περίζυξ et περίζυγος”, Revue de
Philologie, de litterature et d’histoire anciennes 32: 84-91
Trendall 1959: A. D. Trendall, “Paestan Addenda”, PBSR 1959: 1-37
Trendall and Webster 1971: A. D. Trendall and T. B. L. Webster, Illustrations of Greek
Drama (London)
Trojahn 2002: Silke Trojahn, Die auf Papyri erhaltenen Kommentare zur Alten Komödie
(Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 175: Leipzig)
Tsakirgis 2007: Barbara Tsakirgis, “Fire and smoke: hearths, braziers and chimneys in
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Aegean and Beyond (BSA Studies 15), pp. 225-31
Tsantsanoglou 1984: K. Tsantsanoglou, New Fragments of Greek Literature from the
Lexicon ofPhotius (Athens)
Tsetskhladze 1996: Gocha R. Tsetskhladze (ed.), New Studies on the Black Sea Littoral
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Tucci 2008: Pier Luigi Tucci, “Galen’s storeroom, Rome’s libraries, and the fire of A.D.
192”, JRA 21: 133-49