Wagner 1905: R. T. J. Wagner, Symbolarum ad comicorum Graecorum historiam criticam
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Wallace 2004: Robert Wallace, “Damon of Oa: a music theorist ostracized”, in Murray
and Wilson 2004, pp. 249-67
Wallace-Hadrill 1955: D. S. Wallace-Hadrill, “The Eusebian Chronicle: The Extent and
Date of Composition of its Early Editions”, JTS 6: 248-53
Wankel 1974: Hermann Wankel, “Die Rolle der griechischen und lateinischen
Epigraphik bei den Erklärung literarischer Texte”, ZPE 15: 79-97
Wankel 1976: Hermann Wankel (ed.), Demosthenes: Rede für Ktesiphon über den Kranz
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Watson and Watson 2014: Lindsay Watson and Patricia Watson, Juvenal Satire 6
(Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics: Cambridge)
Weber 1925: Leo Weber, “Kerameikos-Kulte”, MDAI(A) 50: 139-56
Weil 1881: Henri Weil, review of Kock 18801, Revue critique d’histoire et de la litterature
12: 293-6
Weinreich 1953: Otto Weinreich (trans.), Aristophanes, Sämtliche Komödien (2 vols.:
Weiss 1998: Michael Weiss, “Erotica: On the Prehistory of Greek Desire”, HSCP 98:
Wellmann 1888: Μ. Wellmann, “Dorion”, Hermes 23: 179-93
Wessner 1931: Paul Wessner, Scholia in luvenalem vetustiora (Leipzig)
West 1966: Μ. L. West (ed.), Hesiod: Theogony (Oxford)
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West 1981: Μ. L. West, “The Singing of Homer and the Modes of Early Greek Music”,
JHS 101: 113-29
West 1982: Μ. L. West, Greek Metre (Oxford)
West 1983: Μ. L. West, The Orphic Poems (Oxford)
West 1988: Stephanie West, in Alfred Heubeck, Stephanie West and J. B. Hainsworth,
A Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey Vol. I Introduction and Books I-VIII (Oxford)
West 1990: Martin L. West (ed.), Aeschylus Tragoediae (Biblioteca Teubneriana:
West 1992a: Μ. L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford and New York)
West 1992b: Μ. L. West (ed.), Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati2 (2 vols.:
Westerink 1966: L. G. Westerink, “Quotations from Attic Comedy in Olympiodorus”,
Mnemosyne IV.19: 175-6
White 1912: John Williams White, The verse of Greek comedy (London)
White 1970: K. D. White, Roman Farming (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life: London)
Whitehead 1986: David Whitehead, The Demes of Attica 508/7-ca. 250 B.C.: A Political
and Social Study (Princeton)
Whitman 1964: Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero (Martin Classical
Lectures xix: Cambridge Mass.)
Whittaker 1935: Μ. Whittaker, “The Comic Fragments in Their Relation to the Structure
of Old Attic Comedy”, CQ 29: 181-91
Wagner 1905: R. T. J. Wagner, Symbolarum ad comicorum Graecorum historiam criticam
capita quattuor (Leipzig)
Wallace 2004: Robert Wallace, “Damon of Oa: a music theorist ostracized”, in Murray
and Wilson 2004, pp. 249-67
Wallace-Hadrill 1955: D. S. Wallace-Hadrill, “The Eusebian Chronicle: The Extent and
Date of Composition of its Early Editions”, JTS 6: 248-53
Wankel 1974: Hermann Wankel, “Die Rolle der griechischen und lateinischen
Epigraphik bei den Erklärung literarischer Texte”, ZPE 15: 79-97
Wankel 1976: Hermann Wankel (ed.), Demosthenes: Rede für Ktesiphon über den Kranz
(2 vols.; Heidelberg)
Watson and Watson 2014: Lindsay Watson and Patricia Watson, Juvenal Satire 6
(Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics: Cambridge)
Weber 1925: Leo Weber, “Kerameikos-Kulte”, MDAI(A) 50: 139-56
Weil 1881: Henri Weil, review of Kock 18801, Revue critique d’histoire et de la litterature
12: 293-6
Weinreich 1953: Otto Weinreich (trans.), Aristophanes, Sämtliche Komödien (2 vols.:
Weiss 1998: Michael Weiss, “Erotica: On the Prehistory of Greek Desire”, HSCP 98:
Wellmann 1888: Μ. Wellmann, “Dorion”, Hermes 23: 179-93
Wessner 1931: Paul Wessner, Scholia in luvenalem vetustiora (Leipzig)
West 1966: Μ. L. West (ed.), Hesiod: Theogony (Oxford)
West 1978: Μ. L. West (ed.), Hesiod: Works & Days (Oxford)
West 1981: Μ. L. West, “The Singing of Homer and the Modes of Early Greek Music”,
JHS 101: 113-29
West 1982: Μ. L. West, Greek Metre (Oxford)
West 1983: Μ. L. West, The Orphic Poems (Oxford)
West 1988: Stephanie West, in Alfred Heubeck, Stephanie West and J. B. Hainsworth,
A Commentary on Homer’s Odyssey Vol. I Introduction and Books I-VIII (Oxford)
West 1990: Martin L. West (ed.), Aeschylus Tragoediae (Biblioteca Teubneriana:
West 1992a: Μ. L. West, Ancient Greek Music (Oxford and New York)
West 1992b: Μ. L. West (ed.), Iambi et elegi Graeci ante Alexandrum cantati2 (2 vols.:
Westerink 1966: L. G. Westerink, “Quotations from Attic Comedy in Olympiodorus”,
Mnemosyne IV.19: 175-6
White 1912: John Williams White, The verse of Greek comedy (London)
White 1970: K. D. White, Roman Farming (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life: London)
Whitehead 1986: David Whitehead, The Demes of Attica 508/7-ca. 250 B.C.: A Political
and Social Study (Princeton)
Whitman 1964: Cedric H. Whitman, Aristophanes and the Comic Hero (Martin Classical
Lectures xix: Cambridge Mass.)
Whittaker 1935: Μ. Whittaker, “The Comic Fragments in Their Relation to the Structure
of Old Attic Comedy”, CQ 29: 181-91