bankers: 458-9
barley: 355
bastards, legal status in Athens: 404
Bastas of Chios: 277
Bat(t)alos of Ephesus: 278
Battle of Mantineia: 341
bindweed: 130
Bouzygeian curses: 414
Bouzygete genos: 384 and 113 n., 414
bull-roarer: 261
cabbage: 264
Callias III son of Hipponicus II of the
deme Alopeke: 184, 186, 333
Callimachus: 51, 55
Callistratus (scholar): 102
cavalry: 149
Chaireas: 276
chicken: 409
of animals: 91
of individuals engaged in a particular
urban trade: 241
of religious celebrants and/or effemi-
nate men: 240
varying identities of within a single
play: 299
citizenship, Athenian: 404
Cleon: 21, 119, 287
Cleonymus: 473
Cleophon: 336
cloak, style with which worn: 388
coins, gold: 432
colloquialism: 25, 26, 89, 108, 110, 129,
146, 228, 236, 247, 264, 284, 326, 329,
332 n. 208, 336, 337, 347, 351, 353,
355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 362, 363, 367,
393, 405, 421, 430, 469
comedy’s right of free speech, supposed
restrictions on: 80
contemptuous plural: 371
cow-herding: 139
Crates Comicus: 41
Theria: 467
Dionysalexandros: 370 n. 230
Cratinus: 13, 33, 41, 65, 76
fr. 71: 347-8
crossroads: 455-6
Cyril of Alexandria: 47
Damasias: 395-7
Damon son of Damonides of the deme
Oa: 137
dance: 138-9, 206
deme: 295, 347
democracy, Athenian: 20
Demophon son of Hippocrates: 412
Demosthenes: 278
Demostratos (politician): 21, 336, 384,
Demostratos (theatrical producer):
dice: 179, 356-7
Didymus: 14, 16, 88, 89, 95, 461, 462
Dieitrephes: 336
digging, as fundamental to farmer’s
life: 123
Diodorus (scholar): 95
Diognetus: 364
Dionysius (scholar): 88, 100
Dionysius Zopyros: 100
Dionysus: 62
Eleuthereus: 142
priest of: 141-2
dithyramb: 256-7
divine punishment on sinners: 343
dog: 44, 45
Molossian: 46
Doric forms: 275-6
drum: 272
dual used of body parts: 388
dung, specialized terms for: 134
Duris: 42
Egypt: 14
Eleusinian Mysteries: 306-7, 354, 364,
Eleven, the: 364
Ephialtes, slave ofEupolis: 45
Epidauros: 358
Eratosthenes: 42, 55
Eteonicus of Sparta: 184-5
bankers: 458-9
barley: 355
bastards, legal status in Athens: 404
Bastas of Chios: 277
Bat(t)alos of Ephesus: 278
Battle of Mantineia: 341
bindweed: 130
Bouzygeian curses: 414
Bouzygete genos: 384 and 113 n., 414
bull-roarer: 261
cabbage: 264
Callias III son of Hipponicus II of the
deme Alopeke: 184, 186, 333
Callimachus: 51, 55
Callistratus (scholar): 102
cavalry: 149
Chaireas: 276
chicken: 409
of animals: 91
of individuals engaged in a particular
urban trade: 241
of religious celebrants and/or effemi-
nate men: 240
varying identities of within a single
play: 299
citizenship, Athenian: 404
Cleon: 21, 119, 287
Cleonymus: 473
Cleophon: 336
cloak, style with which worn: 388
coins, gold: 432
colloquialism: 25, 26, 89, 108, 110, 129,
146, 228, 236, 247, 264, 284, 326, 329,
332 n. 208, 336, 337, 347, 351, 353,
355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 362, 363, 367,
393, 405, 421, 430, 469
comedy’s right of free speech, supposed
restrictions on: 80
contemptuous plural: 371
cow-herding: 139
Crates Comicus: 41
Theria: 467
Dionysalexandros: 370 n. 230
Cratinus: 13, 33, 41, 65, 76
fr. 71: 347-8
crossroads: 455-6
Cyril of Alexandria: 47
Damasias: 395-7
Damon son of Damonides of the deme
Oa: 137
dance: 138-9, 206
deme: 295, 347
democracy, Athenian: 20
Demophon son of Hippocrates: 412
Demosthenes: 278
Demostratos (politician): 21, 336, 384,
Demostratos (theatrical producer):
dice: 179, 356-7
Didymus: 14, 16, 88, 89, 95, 461, 462
Dieitrephes: 336
digging, as fundamental to farmer’s
life: 123
Diodorus (scholar): 95
Diognetus: 364
Dionysius (scholar): 88, 100
Dionysius Zopyros: 100
Dionysus: 62
Eleuthereus: 142
priest of: 141-2
dithyramb: 256-7
divine punishment on sinners: 343
dog: 44, 45
Molossian: 46
Doric forms: 275-6
drum: 272
dual used of body parts: 388
dung, specialized terms for: 134
Duris: 42
Egypt: 14
Eleusinian Mysteries: 306-7, 354, 364,
Eleven, the: 364
Ephialtes, slave ofEupolis: 45
Epidauros: 358
Eratosthenes: 42, 55
Eteonicus of Sparta: 184-5