
Olson, S. Douglas; Eupolis [Bearb.]
Fragmenta comica (FrC) ; Kommentierung der Fragmente der griechischen Komödie (Band 8,2): Eupolis: Heilotes - Chrysoun genos (frr. 147-325) ; translation and commentary — Heidelberg: Verlag Antike, 2016

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Ταξίαρχοι (fr. 271)


no form of ού/μή is present (e. g. Ar. Eq. 336, 1382; Nu. 330; V. 173; Philem. fr.
45.4; Men. Mis. 133; Pk. 310; cf. fr. 2 5 9.113).226 See in general Werres 1936, esp.
4-5; Sommerstein and Torrance 2014. 80-3.
3δέ...γε See on Text.
ρύπου The word (etymology uncertain) and its cognates are attested
already in Homer (e. g. Od. 19.72; not in the Iliad) and are widespread in com-
edy (e.g. fr. 329.2 with n.; Pherecr. frr. 199; 262; Telecl. fr. 3; Ar. Lys. 279; Pl.
266; Anaxandr. fr. 35.6), but are sufficiently undignified to be avoided almost
entirely in lyric and the tragic poets (in satyr play at A. fr. 82; otherwise only
at S. fr. 858.2 (genre unknown)).
τάλαντα Also a unit of weight at e.g. Ar. V. 1147 (below); Av. 154; Hdt.
1.14.2, 50.3; IGII2 1480.21; more often a unit of money = 6000 drachmas, as at
fr. 168 (n.).
For the seemingly colloquial use of ραδίως (“easily”) in the sense “at
least”, cf. Ar. V. 1147 ερίων τάλαντον καταπέπωκε ραδίως (“it’s consumed at
least a talent of wool”; of an enormously thick garment); X. Oec. 2.3; Is. 8.35;
D. 27.31; Dik 2014. 603-4.
fr. 271 K.-A. (253 K.)
δίδου μασάσθαι Ναξίας άμυγδάλας
οίνον τε πίνειν Ναξίων απ’ αμπέλων
1 δίδου codd. : έδίδου Kock Ναξίας Ath. : μ’ αξίας [Ammon.]
Offer Naxian almonds to chew on
and wine from Naxian vines to drink!
Ath. 2.52b-c
ότι αί Νάξιαι άμυγδάλαι διά μνήμης ήσαν τοΐς παλαιοϊς· καί γίνονται όντως έν Νάξω
τή νήσω διάφοροι, ώς έμαυτόν, φησί, πείθω. Φρύνιχος (fr. 73)·-... έπακτικώτατα

226 Cf. μά τον Ποσειδώ ; the shorter μά Ποσειδώ is not attested), which is
restricted to the same colloquial register and similarly adds force to a negative
assertion or request (E. Cyc. 262; Ar. Eq. 338, 409; V. 163; Lys. 1165; Ec. 748; Pl. Smp.
214d), νή τον Ποσειδώ (——) being used in affirmations (as seemingly in fr. 286).
In Aristophanes, at least, μά τον Άπόλλω ; e. g. Ar. Ach. 59; Eq. 14; Ra. 951)
and μά τον Διόνυσον Nu. 108; Pax 109; Ec. 344) behave in the same way;
cf. E. Ph. 1006 μά τον ... Ζην’; ΙΑ 948-9 μά τον ... / Νηρέα (the only μά τόν oaths
in tragedy).
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