Ahrens 1843: Henricus Ludolfus Ahrens, De Graecae Linguae Dialectis II De Dialecto
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Aleshire-Lambert 2003: S. B. Aleshire and S. D. Lambert, “A New Edition of IGII21060
+ IG II2 1036”, ZPE 142: 65-86
Anderson 1970: J. K. Anderson, Military Theory and Practice in the Age of Xenophon
(Berkeley and Los Angeles)
Argyle 1989: Sonia Argyle, “A New Greek Grammarian”, CQNS 39: 524-35
Arnott 1996: W. Geoffrey Arnott, Alexis: The Fragments. A Commentary (Cambridge
Classical Texts and Commentaries 31: Cambridge)
Arnott 2007: W. Geoffrey Arnott, Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z (London and
New York)
Austin 1973: Colinus Austin (ed.), Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta in Papyris Reperta
(Berlin and New York)
Austin-Olson 2004: Colin Austin and S. Douglas Olson (eds.), Aristophanes: Thesmo-
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Bachmann 1878: Ottomarus Bachmann, Conjectarum observationumque Aristopha-
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Bain 1991: David Bain, “Six Greek Verbs of Sexual Congress (βινώ, κινώ, πυγίζω, ληκώ,
οϊφω, λαικάζω)”, CQNS 41: 51-77
Baiter-Sauppe 1850: Jo. Georgius Baiterus et Hermannus Sauppius (eds.), Oratores
Attici Vol. II (Turici)
Baldwin 1962: B. Baldwin, “The Pseudologistes of Lucian”, Cl? NS 12: 2-5
Barber 1991: E. J. W. Barber, Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic
and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean (Princeton)
Barber 1992: E. J. W. Barber, “The peplos of Athena”, in Neils 1992, pp. 103-17
Barrett 1964: W. S. Barrett (ed.), Euripides: Hippolytus (Oxford)
Bartolotta 2014: Annamaria Bartolotta (ed.), The Greek Verb: Morphology, Syntax,
and Semantics. Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Greek Linguistics.
Agrigento October 1-3, 2009 (Bibliotheque des Cahiers de 1’Institut de Linguistique
de Louvain 128: Louvain-la-Neuve and Walpole)
Beazley 1918: J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figured Vases in American Museums (Cambridge)
Becker 1966: Heinz Becker, Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen
Rohrblattinstrumente (Hamburg)
Beekes 2009: Robert Beekes, Etymological Dictionary of Greek (2 vols.: Leiden)
Belardinelli et al. 1998: Anna Maria Belardinelli, Olimpia Imperio, Giuseppe Mastro-
marco, Matteo Pellegrino, Piero Totaro, Tessere: Frammenti della commedia greca:
studi e commenti (Bari)
Benveniste 1954: Emile Benveniste, “Formes et sens de μνάομαι”, in Redard 1954,
pp. 13-18
Bergk 1838: Theodorus Bergk, Commentationum de reliquiis comoediae Atticae antiquae
libri duo (Leipzig)
Ahrens 1843: Henricus Ludolfus Ahrens, De Graecae Linguae Dialectis II De Dialecto
Dorica (Gottingen)
Aleshire-Lambert 2003: S. B. Aleshire and S. D. Lambert, “A New Edition of IGII21060
+ IG II2 1036”, ZPE 142: 65-86
Anderson 1970: J. K. Anderson, Military Theory and Practice in the Age of Xenophon
(Berkeley and Los Angeles)
Argyle 1989: Sonia Argyle, “A New Greek Grammarian”, CQNS 39: 524-35
Arnott 1996: W. Geoffrey Arnott, Alexis: The Fragments. A Commentary (Cambridge
Classical Texts and Commentaries 31: Cambridge)
Arnott 2007: W. Geoffrey Arnott, Birds in the Ancient World from A to Z (London and
New York)
Austin 1973: Colinus Austin (ed.), Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta in Papyris Reperta
(Berlin and New York)
Austin-Olson 2004: Colin Austin and S. Douglas Olson (eds.), Aristophanes: Thesmo-
phoriazusae (Oxford)
Bachmann 1878: Ottomarus Bachmann, Conjectarum observationumque Aristopha-
nearum Specimen I (Gottingen)
Bain 1991: David Bain, “Six Greek Verbs of Sexual Congress (βινώ, κινώ, πυγίζω, ληκώ,
οϊφω, λαικάζω)”, CQNS 41: 51-77
Baiter-Sauppe 1850: Jo. Georgius Baiterus et Hermannus Sauppius (eds.), Oratores
Attici Vol. II (Turici)
Baldwin 1962: B. Baldwin, “The Pseudologistes of Lucian”, Cl? NS 12: 2-5
Barber 1991: E. J. W. Barber, Prehistoric Textiles: The Development of Cloth in the Neolithic
and Bronze Ages with Special Reference to the Aegean (Princeton)
Barber 1992: E. J. W. Barber, “The peplos of Athena”, in Neils 1992, pp. 103-17
Barrett 1964: W. S. Barrett (ed.), Euripides: Hippolytus (Oxford)
Bartolotta 2014: Annamaria Bartolotta (ed.), The Greek Verb: Morphology, Syntax,
and Semantics. Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting on Greek Linguistics.
Agrigento October 1-3, 2009 (Bibliotheque des Cahiers de 1’Institut de Linguistique
de Louvain 128: Louvain-la-Neuve and Walpole)
Beazley 1918: J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figured Vases in American Museums (Cambridge)
Becker 1966: Heinz Becker, Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der antiken und mittelalterlichen
Rohrblattinstrumente (Hamburg)
Beekes 2009: Robert Beekes, Etymological Dictionary of Greek (2 vols.: Leiden)
Belardinelli et al. 1998: Anna Maria Belardinelli, Olimpia Imperio, Giuseppe Mastro-
marco, Matteo Pellegrino, Piero Totaro, Tessere: Frammenti della commedia greca:
studi e commenti (Bari)
Benveniste 1954: Emile Benveniste, “Formes et sens de μνάομαι”, in Redard 1954,
pp. 13-18
Bergk 1838: Theodorus Bergk, Commentationum de reliquiis comoediae Atticae antiquae
libri duo (Leipzig)