Gerhard 1905: Gustav Adolf Gerhard, “Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des griech-
ischen Briefes I”, Philologus 64: 27-65
Ginouves 1962: Rene Ginouves, Balaneutike: recherches sur le bain dans I’antiquite
grecque (Bibliotheque des Ecoles Frangaises d’Athenes et de Rome: Paris)
Glazebrook and Henry 2011: Allison Glazebrook and Madeleine M. Henry (eds.), Greek
Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE (Wisconsin studies in
classics: Madison)
Godde 2011: S. Godde, euphemia: Die gute Rede in Kult und Literatur der griechischen
Antike (Heidelberg)
Goebel 1915: Maximilianus Goebel, Ethnica Pars Prima: De Graecarum Civitatum
Proprietatibus Proverbio Notatis (Diss. Breslau)
Gomme 1956: A. W. Gomme, A historical commentary on Thucydides Vols. II and III
Gomme-Sandbach 1973: A. W. Gomme and F. H. Sandbach, Menander: A Commentary
Goodwin 1889: W. W. Goodwin, Syntax of the Moods & Tenses of the Greek Verb*
(London; reprint London, 1998)
Gow 1952: A. S. F. Gow (ed.), Theocritus Vol. II (Cambridge)
Gow-Page 1965: A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page (eds.), The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic
Epigrams, Volume II Commentary and Indexes (Cambridge)
Grotius 1626: Hugo Grotius, Excerpta ex tragoediis et comoediisgraecis turn quae extant,
turn quae penerunt (Paris, 1626)
Guida 1979: Augusto Guida, “Frammenti Inediti di Eupoli, Teleclide, Teognide, Giuliano
e Imerio da un Nuova Codice del Lexicon Vindobonense”, Prometheus 5: 193-216
Hamel 1998: Debra Hamel, Athenian Generals: Military Authority in the Classical Period
(Mnemosyne Supplement 182: Leiden, Boston and Cologne)
Hammond 1967: N. G. L. Hammond, Epirus (Oxford)
Handley 1953: Eric Handley, “-sis Nouns in Aristophanes”, Eranos 51: 129-42
Handley 1956: E. W. Handley, “Words for ‘soul’, ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ in Aristophanes”,
RhM99: 205-25
Handley 1965: E. W. Handley (ed.), The Dyskolos of Menander (London)
Hansen 1976: Mogens Herman Hansen, Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis against
Kakourgoi, Atimoi and Pheugontes (Odense University Classical Studies 8: Odense)
Hansen and Nielsen 2004: Mogens Herman Hansen and Thomas Heine Nielsen, An
Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis (Oxford)
Hanson 1989: Victor Davis Hanson, The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical
Greece (New York)
Harrison 1971: A. R. W. Harrison, The Law of Athens II Procedure (Oxford)
Hartman 1927: A. Hartman, “Silenos und Satyros”, RE III, A.1: 35-53
Hartwig 2014: Andrew Hartwig, “The Evolution of Comedy in the Fourth Century”, in
Csapo, Goette, Green and Wilson 2014, pp. 207-27
Hatzopoulos and Loukopoulou 1992: Μ. B. Hatzopoulos and L. D. Loukopoulou, Recher-
ches sur les marches orientales des Temenides (Anthemonte-Kalindoia): He partie
(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 11: Athens)
Gerhard 1905: Gustav Adolf Gerhard, “Untersuchungen zur Geschichte des griech-
ischen Briefes I”, Philologus 64: 27-65
Ginouves 1962: Rene Ginouves, Balaneutike: recherches sur le bain dans I’antiquite
grecque (Bibliotheque des Ecoles Frangaises d’Athenes et de Rome: Paris)
Glazebrook and Henry 2011: Allison Glazebrook and Madeleine M. Henry (eds.), Greek
Prostitutes in the Ancient Mediterranean, 800 BCE-200 CE (Wisconsin studies in
classics: Madison)
Godde 2011: S. Godde, euphemia: Die gute Rede in Kult und Literatur der griechischen
Antike (Heidelberg)
Goebel 1915: Maximilianus Goebel, Ethnica Pars Prima: De Graecarum Civitatum
Proprietatibus Proverbio Notatis (Diss. Breslau)
Gomme 1956: A. W. Gomme, A historical commentary on Thucydides Vols. II and III
Gomme-Sandbach 1973: A. W. Gomme and F. H. Sandbach, Menander: A Commentary
Goodwin 1889: W. W. Goodwin, Syntax of the Moods & Tenses of the Greek Verb*
(London; reprint London, 1998)
Gow 1952: A. S. F. Gow (ed.), Theocritus Vol. II (Cambridge)
Gow-Page 1965: A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page (eds.), The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic
Epigrams, Volume II Commentary and Indexes (Cambridge)
Grotius 1626: Hugo Grotius, Excerpta ex tragoediis et comoediisgraecis turn quae extant,
turn quae penerunt (Paris, 1626)
Guida 1979: Augusto Guida, “Frammenti Inediti di Eupoli, Teleclide, Teognide, Giuliano
e Imerio da un Nuova Codice del Lexicon Vindobonense”, Prometheus 5: 193-216
Hamel 1998: Debra Hamel, Athenian Generals: Military Authority in the Classical Period
(Mnemosyne Supplement 182: Leiden, Boston and Cologne)
Hammond 1967: N. G. L. Hammond, Epirus (Oxford)
Handley 1953: Eric Handley, “-sis Nouns in Aristophanes”, Eranos 51: 129-42
Handley 1956: E. W. Handley, “Words for ‘soul’, ‘heart’ and ‘mind’ in Aristophanes”,
RhM99: 205-25
Handley 1965: E. W. Handley (ed.), The Dyskolos of Menander (London)
Hansen 1976: Mogens Herman Hansen, Apagoge, Endeixis and Ephegesis against
Kakourgoi, Atimoi and Pheugontes (Odense University Classical Studies 8: Odense)
Hansen and Nielsen 2004: Mogens Herman Hansen and Thomas Heine Nielsen, An
Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis (Oxford)
Hanson 1989: Victor Davis Hanson, The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical
Greece (New York)
Harrison 1971: A. R. W. Harrison, The Law of Athens II Procedure (Oxford)
Hartman 1927: A. Hartman, “Silenos und Satyros”, RE III, A.1: 35-53
Hartwig 2014: Andrew Hartwig, “The Evolution of Comedy in the Fourth Century”, in
Csapo, Goette, Green and Wilson 2014, pp. 207-27
Hatzopoulos and Loukopoulou 1992: Μ. B. Hatzopoulos and L. D. Loukopoulou, Recher-
ches sur les marches orientales des Temenides (Anthemonte-Kalindoia): He partie
(ΜΕΛΕΤΗΜΑΤΑ 11: Athens)