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Fourth Century BCE. Text. Translation and Commentary, Atlanta 1999.
Olson, S. D. / Sens, A. (2000): Archestratus of Gela. Greek Culture and Cuisine in the
Fourth Century BCE, Oxford.
Olson, Athen. = Athenaeus. The Learned Banqueters. Edited and Translated by S.
Douglas Olson, 8 Bde., London und Cambridge/Mass. 2006-2012.
Ornaghi, Μ. (2002): Κωμωδοτραγωδία, amori e seduzioni di fanciulle: Alceo comico e
Anassandride in Suda, MEG 2, 113-140.
Orth (1921): Kohl, RE XI.l, 1034-1038.
Orth, C. (2009): Strattis. Die Fragmente. Ein Kommentar, Berlin.
Osborne, Μ. J. (1983): Naturalization in Athens. Volumes III and IV, Brussel.
Oswald, R. / Haase, Μ. (1998): Hochzeitsbräuche und -ritual, DNP 5, 649-656.
PA = J. Kirchner, Prosopographia Attica, 2 Bde., Berolini 1901-1903.
PAA = J.S. Traill, Persons of Ancient Athens, 21 Bde., Toronto 1994-2012.
Panayotakis, C. (2010): Decimus Laberius. The Fragments. Edited with Introduction,
Translation and Commentary, Cambridge.
Papachrysostomou, A. (2008): Six Comic Poets. A Commentary on Selected Fragments
of Middle Comedy, Tübingen.
Papadopoulos,}. K. (1994): Pasiphae, LIMC VII.l, 193-200.
Papadopulos-Kerameus, A. (1892): Lexicon Sabbaiticum, Annales Ministerii Institution,
publ. 280, 39-48.
Parker, R. (1993): Miasma. Pollution and Purification in early Greek Religion, Oxford.
Parker, R. (1996): Athenian Religion. A History, Oxford.
Pascal, C. (1911): Dioniso. Saggio sulla religione e la parodia in Aristofane, Catania.
Pascal, C. (1923): Socrate nei frammenti dei comici greci, RIL 56, 909-920.
Paton, J. Μ. (1927): The Erechteum, Cambridge/Mass.
Patzer, A. (1994): Sokrates in den Fragmenten der Attischen Komödie, in: A. Bierl / P.
von Möllendorf (Hrsgg.), Orchestra. Drama Mythos Bühne, 50-81, Stuttgart und
PCG = Poetae Comici Graeci. Ediderunt R. Kassel et C. Austin, 8 Bde., 1983-2001.
Pearson, A. C. (1917): The Fragments of Sophocles. Edited with Additional Notes from
the Papers of Sir R. C. Jebb and Dr W. G. Headlam, 3 Bde., Cambridge.
Pechstein, N. (1998): Euripides Satyrographos. Ein Kommentar zu den Euripideischen
Satyrspielfragmenten (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 115), Stuttgart und Leipzig.
Pellegrino, Μ. (1998): Metagene, in: A. Μ. Belardinelli (Hrsg.), Tessere: Frammenti della
commedia greca. Studi e commenti, 291-339, Bari.
Pellegrino, Μ. (2000): Utopie e immagini gastronomiche nei frammenti delFArchaia,
Pellegrino, Μ. (2006): I frammenti di Nicofonte, AFLB 49, 43-97.
Pendrick, G. J. (2002): Antiphon the Sophist. The Fragments. Edited with Introduction,
Translation, and Commentary, Cambridge.
Peppier, C. W. (1902): Comic Terminations in Aristophanes and the Comic Fragments.
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Peppier, C. W. (1910): The Termination -kos, as Used by Aristophanes for Comic Effect,
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