and again twmRZ, perhaps to be interpreted as occurs in
an otherwise as yet illegible inscription (02/01: Shatial III); cf.
p%yy%0 in no. 34e (?).
Quite exceptional is the following inscription:
P/. 67 25a. (81-02: Oshibat).
TYPE 3: Sometimes the names are accompanied by the indication
of: a) professions, b) castes and tribes, c) religious status, d) offi-
cial titles.
TYPE 3a: With the exception of "scribe" professions are
mentioned comparatively seldom:
P/. 6P 26. t/mfn?//// (546-84 = 278/11: Thalpan)
P/. 69 26a. pzlnM (see below, no. 57a)
The Iranian loanword tOTzA? occurs for the first time in a Gupta
inscription dated 496/97 AD (MAYRHOFER 1963) s.v.
(cf. STEIN 1900: V 177), in the Samghatasutra manuscript D,
probably dated 627/8 AD (v. HINUBER 1980: 71 and 1983:
61), again in Bhattotpala's commentary (10th century) on Vara-
hamihira's Brhatsamhita, and finally in the Rajatarangini. It be-
longs to a group of Iranian titles borrowed probably during the
time of the Sassanian empire, what will be discussed below (on
no. 57foll.).
Once an actor is mentioned:
P/. 70 27. sn (46-85: Shatial-West)
It is certainly not by chance that a "leader of a caravan" occurs
perhaps even twice:
P/. 71 28. sn rzY% (16-83: Shatial-West)
This inscription has been written to the right of no. 16.
P/. 72 28a. P2Y<3yy% (or: ?) (341-85: Oshibat)
P/. 72 29. a: cAmgPoy?
b: + + + (M)[f]tP<2////(25-83: Shatial-West)
P/. 74 29a. cAnxgPoy? (89-83: Chilas 1)
Inscription no. 29 is badly damaged at the end, and consequently
the reading of is somewhat conjectural even on the rock it-
an otherwise as yet illegible inscription (02/01: Shatial III); cf.
p%yy%0 in no. 34e (?).
Quite exceptional is the following inscription:
P/. 67 25a. (81-02: Oshibat).
TYPE 3: Sometimes the names are accompanied by the indication
of: a) professions, b) castes and tribes, c) religious status, d) offi-
cial titles.
TYPE 3a: With the exception of "scribe" professions are
mentioned comparatively seldom:
P/. 6P 26. t/mfn?//// (546-84 = 278/11: Thalpan)
P/. 69 26a. pzlnM (see below, no. 57a)
The Iranian loanword tOTzA? occurs for the first time in a Gupta
inscription dated 496/97 AD (MAYRHOFER 1963) s.v.
(cf. STEIN 1900: V 177), in the Samghatasutra manuscript D,
probably dated 627/8 AD (v. HINUBER 1980: 71 and 1983:
61), again in Bhattotpala's commentary (10th century) on Vara-
hamihira's Brhatsamhita, and finally in the Rajatarangini. It be-
longs to a group of Iranian titles borrowed probably during the
time of the Sassanian empire, what will be discussed below (on
no. 57foll.).
Once an actor is mentioned:
P/. 70 27. sn (46-85: Shatial-West)
It is certainly not by chance that a "leader of a caravan" occurs
perhaps even twice:
P/. 71 28. sn rzY% (16-83: Shatial-West)
This inscription has been written to the right of no. 16.
P/. 72 28a. P2Y<3yy% (or: ?) (341-85: Oshibat)
P/. 72 29. a: cAmgPoy?
b: + + + (M)[f]tP<2////(25-83: Shatial-West)
P/. 74 29a. cAnxgPoy? (89-83: Chilas 1)
Inscription no. 29 is badly damaged at the end, and consequently
the reading of is somewhat conjectural even on the rock it-