1 cm
Nara (a locality ?)". The subscribed -73- in S72Z3 ^ still resembles
the Kusana sign, as well as the 73% written very flat and can
easily be distinguished from These three late Kusana graffiti
are followed by the Gupta ones, the next two of which (4 and 5)
may belong to the very early Gupta period, about the fourth cen-

tury A. D.
4. Two graffiti can be recognized on PI. 63, one of which is
hardly legible: x x x x yy%. at the end points to a name,
"For N.N.". The reading of the other one is also not beyond
doubt: ''SI(a)havarmaarrives''.
The ductus of the two graffiti resembles that of the preceding
one No. 3 (PI. 210), but the r^Mms have somewhat more devel-
oped shapes, especially the curved 7-% , and -772- in 7773% which
stands intermediate between the Kusana and the Gupta
but tending towards the Gupta one in comparison with the 773%
on the graffito No. 1 (PI. 56).
5. The next graffito under discussion is engraved on the same
rock as the late Kusana inscription No. 1^. is
undoubtedly to be read, meaning: "For Visnudeva". The -72- in
S7323 can be compared with S7222 on the graffito No. 3 (PI. 210). The
%%s%7Y?s differ in one point: the two parts of-72- are written closer
to each other in graffito No. 3 ^ in accordance with the 72%
known from Kusana inscriptions and mss., while in the graffito
under discussion the lower part is slightly extended ^ , which
is characteristic of the Gupta 72%. The left part of s- in is bent
upwards forming a loop, and -y- is curved high up to the upper
end of s- ^77 (sy%). This ligature tends toward shapes known
from the calligraphic ornate style. It is also similar to the sy% of
the graffiti on PI. 212 (8b), and PI. 213 (8c), although the style
of writing differs.
6. The next one in order is a Gupta graffito on the same rock
as No. 2. In addition to graffito No. 2 two further inscriptions
can be clearly recognized on the photo. The upper one may
be read: 7722M^^f772^-S3'J^^ (<^7% is not sure) meaning: "Miravarma,

P/. 63

P/. 36

P/. 211

16 There are traces of two other inscriptions to be seen on the photo, but
they are illegible. Professor von Hiniiber kindly revised my readings in
situ. According to him is followed by 7?%/?, meaning "for

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften