Z7f %7*ztyA 77?y77?ryc (31-86 = Nr. 70d)^ seems as likely to mean
"Wanepatvandak the (son of) Karztik, (grandson of) Maymarghch"
(cf. 7?2y7??ryc as personal name in 34-70 etc.) as "W. the (son of)
K. from Maymargh"7
Inscriptions containing elements other than those already dis-
cussed are very rare. Exceptionally full are two identical inscrip-
tions which read: 'pzywyS "yf 7372yj372fA ZE" yK?$p7*73 BPF "The
day before yesterday(?) came Nanevandak the son of Ghoshfarn"
(34-115 and 105-8). The longest inscription of all (36-38 = Nr.
126) can be only partially interpreted: Z7f "yt^y772
16^ 'NPZV AIN j3y72cy^ y'72 7 X7*^77^
pfys'73 rty ZTfi^ 'HV pr ^A1 t^y$' "1, Nanevandak the
(son of) Narisaf, have come on (the) ten(th day)(?) and (have)
begged (as) a boon from the spirit of the sacred place, fftt,
that ... I may arrive (home) more quickly and may see (my)
brother in good (health) with joy". Here the word appears
to be a name, either of the j3y%- "sacred place"*^ (presumably
the Shatial site) or of its "spirit". (See Plate 216). P/. 216
The Sogdian inscriptions contain a number of Western Iranian
names, both Parthian and Middle Persian, including such well-
known names as Sasan ($'$"%, 53-4), Papak (p'p'^A, 17-18 = Nr.
112b), Shapur (3'p'tur, 20-2; cf. Parthian 3^ypu^7y, 39-105 = Nr.
20, and Bactrian 3%6o7-c, 54-31 = Nr. 115), Kartir (^rtyr, 39-32
= Nr. 23; cf. Sanskrit 30-2 = Nr. 93, etc.), and the speci-
fically Parthian form Narisaf (zzrsj3, 36-38 = Nr. 126; 36-85).
Ethnic terms occurring as personal names include x*K?72 "Hun"
(passim), yTifu^' "Indian"** (31-97 = Nr. 69; variants y72tu^,
Khanbari, and y7?tu^%, 33-12), and ^$"72 "Kushan" (17-18
= Nr. 112b; 31-40; the apparent derivatives ^$'73%'%, Thor
North, and %u?3'72%'72%(?), 34-86 = Nr. 99c, are possibly used as
6 At the end of this inscription HUMBACH reads B[BV], but the supposed
B does not belong to this inscription.
7 See the discussion by HUMBACH, 1980: 202-203.
8 Uncertain; could also be read
9 Orxr0wfH.
10 On the range of meaning of 0yw- (Manichean "temple", Christian "altar")
see SIMS-WILLIAMS, 1985: 61-62.
11 Recognized by V. A. LIV§IC apad HUMBACH, 1980: 226.
"Wanepatvandak the (son of) Karztik, (grandson of) Maymarghch"
(cf. 7?2y7??ryc as personal name in 34-70 etc.) as "W. the (son of)
K. from Maymargh"7
Inscriptions containing elements other than those already dis-
cussed are very rare. Exceptionally full are two identical inscrip-
tions which read: 'pzywyS "yf 7372yj372fA ZE" yK?$p7*73 BPF "The
day before yesterday(?) came Nanevandak the son of Ghoshfarn"
(34-115 and 105-8). The longest inscription of all (36-38 = Nr.
126) can be only partially interpreted: Z7f "yt^y772
16^ 'NPZV AIN j3y72cy^ y'72 7 X7*^77^
pfys'73 rty ZTfi^ 'HV pr ^A1 t^y$' "1, Nanevandak the
(son of) Narisaf, have come on (the) ten(th day)(?) and (have)
begged (as) a boon from the spirit of the sacred place, fftt,
that ... I may arrive (home) more quickly and may see (my)
brother in good (health) with joy". Here the word appears
to be a name, either of the j3y%- "sacred place"*^ (presumably
the Shatial site) or of its "spirit". (See Plate 216). P/. 216
The Sogdian inscriptions contain a number of Western Iranian
names, both Parthian and Middle Persian, including such well-
known names as Sasan ($'$"%, 53-4), Papak (p'p'^A, 17-18 = Nr.
112b), Shapur (3'p'tur, 20-2; cf. Parthian 3^ypu^7y, 39-105 = Nr.
20, and Bactrian 3%6o7-c, 54-31 = Nr. 115), Kartir (^rtyr, 39-32
= Nr. 23; cf. Sanskrit 30-2 = Nr. 93, etc.), and the speci-
fically Parthian form Narisaf (zzrsj3, 36-38 = Nr. 126; 36-85).
Ethnic terms occurring as personal names include x*K?72 "Hun"
(passim), yTifu^' "Indian"** (31-97 = Nr. 69; variants y72tu^,
Khanbari, and y7?tu^%, 33-12), and ^$"72 "Kushan" (17-18
= Nr. 112b; 31-40; the apparent derivatives ^$'73%'%, Thor
North, and %u?3'72%'72%(?), 34-86 = Nr. 99c, are possibly used as
6 At the end of this inscription HUMBACH reads B[BV], but the supposed
B does not belong to this inscription.
7 See the discussion by HUMBACH, 1980: 202-203.
8 Uncertain; could also be read
9 Orxr0wfH.
10 On the range of meaning of 0yw- (Manichean "temple", Christian "altar")
see SIMS-WILLIAMS, 1985: 61-62.
11 Recognized by V. A. LIV§IC apad HUMBACH, 1980: 226.