1 cm
P/. 27 7 The fourth Chinese inscription, which is situated north of the
other three, is the most important one to be discussed in this
paper. It is near the Hunza River, not far from the Chinese
The Hunza River emerges from glaciers at the Sino-Pakistan
border, flows southward, and, at Haldeikish, it turns again to
the west passing the central area of what was formerly called
Hunza State. Until recently, this state was ruled by a dynasty
who had held the title "Tham" or "Mir" for many centuries.
The palace is at Baltit, the ancient capital of the region. Opposite
the village of Altit, the left bank of the river is dominated by a
rocky ridge. Its name is Haldeikish, explained as place of the
male ibexes. Apparently hunting rituals were once performed
here. And so it was called "The Sacred Rock of Hunza" by Prof.
DANI. There are about 120 detailed inscriptions, most of them
covering the period from the first century B.C. to the 7th cen-
tury A.D. Many Kharosthl inscriptions of the Kushan period are
to be found together with Brahmi inscriptions of the Gupta
period, and also one in Sogdian. Many hitherto unknown historical
details of the local dynasties have come to light through these
inscriptions (DANI 1983: 84—85; 1985). The Chinese inscription
is carved on a rock, several metres high, facing the Karakorum
Highway at a near distance, where a small road branches of
(DANI 1985: 48—49 Rock Nr. 2). The inscription near its basins
seems to have been carved with a sharp metal instrument because
the scoring is deep and narrow. It forms one vertical column con-
sisting of twelve characters, most of which are sufficiently dis-
tinct to be rendered as follows.
JETTMAR below Thalpan village. Mr. KAUPER found the carving of a
Chinese pagoda together with a not completely understandable Chinese
inscription at the mouth of the Thak River (JETTMAR/THEWALT 1985:
PI. 20; JETTMAR 1985). (Editor's remark)

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