
Jettmar, Karl [Editor]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Editor]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 2): / ed. by Karl Jettmar in collab. with Ditte König and Martin Bemmann — Mainz, 1993

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SIRCAR, D.C. 1965. /nhion Epigraphy. Delhi.
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SNOY, P. 1975. Bag7ut - Eh:e DardEche 7üEchpft :*/?: E^wEr:n::::. Graz. = Berg-
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Beiträge zur Südasienforschung Bd. 86: 622-635, PI. XXXVIII-XLIII. Wies-

Crédits des photos:
PI. 1^ 6, 7 G. Frémont
Pl. 2-5, 29 G. Fussman
PI. 8-16 Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften
PI. 17, 30, 31 d'après Pal 1975: n° 23, 3C 30
Pl. 18-22 Norton Simon Foundation
Pl. 23-27 clichés du propriétaire
Pl. 28 National Museum Delhi
Pl. 32-34 Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Pl. 35-36 Norton Simon Foundation.
Pl. 37-39 Norton Simon Foundation and Lee Boltin.
Pl. 40 The Cleveland Museum of Art, John L. Severance Fund.

© Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften