
Jettmar, Karl [Editor]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Editor]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 2): / ed. by Karl Jettmar in collab. with Ditte König and Martin Bemmann — Mainz, 1993

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mitted that the model in the mind of the narrator was the state of
affairs between the decline of the Tibetan empire in the early 9^
and the end of the 10^ century AD, and before Khotan became a
Muslim kingdom ruled by Yusuf Qadr Khan.
In fact, we rather find an encoded description of the conditions
transforming former Great Palür into Bolorian Tibet - a country
maybe ruled for a while as a dependency of Khotan. In any case,
we have to reckon with Tibetans and Turks, maybe belonging to
the same fighting force. But certainly in the remote valleys, des-
cendants of the earlier population survived maintaining goldwash-
ing as a traditional occupation - and an elevated position of the
ladies as a local peculiarity.
Xuanzang was informed that the "Land of Gold",
(Tib. Gser-rigs) was identical with one of the kingdoms ruled by
women where the male ruler had no authority but all affairs were
directed by his wife: "The men manage the wars and sow the land,
that is all". This state in the mountains is mentioned in several
Sanskrit texts, it cannot be identical with another state equally
ruled by women in southeastern Tibet (THOMAS 1935: I, 151-152).
This association is based on local folklore and is used for the
localization of a famous legend in the area. It forms part of the
"Inquiry". We are told that five hundred traders "who through
desire for gold came to the mountain of the Gold Race were well
received by as many ladies of the country, with seductive blandish-
ments and extreme tenderness." Indulged in the "pleasure of de-
sire" the visitors did not recognize that their beloved were man-
devouring mLyajL. An attack on the former lovers was to happen
before the arrival of a new party of foreigners. However, that time
the caravan-leader was a moreover he had begotten
a daugther with the female ruler Hu-sa. The girl gave him a warn-
ing of the imminent danger. Besides the was able to
relieve his consort of the spell which had been cast on her because
of a sin in a former existence. So the daughter eventually married
a man who performed the duties of the ruler. The feminist inter-
lude with special attractions came to an end.
One thing had puzzled THOMAS and his readers: when Hu-sa ap-
pears in her demonic shape with skins as clothes, she has no ears:
they had been cut off (this observation saved the
THOMAS tried his best to prove that the animal with the small
ears must be the marmot. However, the ears of marmots are not

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