
Jettmar, Karl [Hrsg.]; Forschungsstelle Felsbilder und Inschriften am Karakorum Highway <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Antiquities of Northern Pakistan: reports and studies (Band 2): / ed. by Karl Jettmar in collab. with Ditte König and Martin Bemmann — Mainz, 1993

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Lizenz: Freier Zugang - alle Rechte vorbehalten
1 cm
P/ %
P/ <%, 70a
P/ 77a-6
P/ 77a, 72a

P7 726
P/ 73a-6
P7 770
P/ 75a-6, 76a

6 1:6 tr(x)^n
(personal name or title)
- The third letter is imperfectly written because of a crack
in the rock. Partially visible in FRANCKE 1925: PI II.
7 1:7 ßs'wn
(personal name?)
- Oryilwi, /3yarC, etc Partially visible in FRANCKE 1925:
PI II, from which MÜLLER readyf'w.
8 2:1 wry trx'n
(personal name)
- Cf No 5, line 1. The marks to the right which resemble
y*z may not be Sogdian letters at all.
9 2:2 "zt[ (?) ](m)w(y)[*]n z'b'k (?) I ßz-[']w (?) (*k)wp (?)
- No continuous reading is possible, since parts of both
lines are obscured by gigantic Tibetan characters of much
later date. The last word seems to have been deliberately
10 2:3 pw I 'yn'y (?) c'ny (?) I pr ßyy n('m)
"... this (?) ... in the name of God"
- The first word of the second line could equally well be
read 7?z^, etc.
11 2:4 (c')ytr' (?)
(personal name?)
- Cf No 2, line 3. The first two letters are obscured (but not
totally obliterated) by a more recent Tibetan inscription.
12 3:1 (illegible)
13 4:1 ßyy-(?) wyt'w <z'tk> (?) pwtyprn
"... (the) son (?) of Witäw, (grandson?) of Putti-farn"
- It is not clear whether this is all one inscription and, if so,
in what order the words are intended to be read. The vary-
ing size of the writing and the position of z% (?) below
wyfw suggests that the original wording may have been

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