16. Old Discipline - New Discipline
Ordnung der englisch-reformierten Gemeindea
März 1557
The order off the olde discipline in the Citie off Franckford
There be 2 partes off the order off Discipline in the
churche: The one perteininge to the whole churche,
The other perteininge to the ministers and Elders
alone. Off the firste parte in the discipline, pertei-
ninge to the whole church, is firste to be apointed
the order off receivinge men into the congregation
whiche is this:
The manner off receivinge off all sortes off
personnes into the saide congregation
Fyrste, everie one, as well man as woman, which
desireth to be receyved, shall make a declaration or
Confession off their faithe before the pastor and Se-
niors shewinge [= showing] himselff fully to consent
and agree with doctrine of the churche and submit-
tinge themselves to the discipline off the same.
Iff anie person so desyrous to be received into
the congregation be notoriously defamed or noted
off any corrupt or evill opinion in doctrine or
slaunderous behavior in liffe, the same maye not by
the pastor and Elders be admitted till he have either
purged himselff theroff or ells have declared himselff
to the pastor and Elders penitent for the same.
The good behaviour and godly conversation
requyred off such as are received | cxii |
Secondarely all the members off the churche, so ad-
mitted and received, shall diligently observe and
α This article I finde rased in the copie, what they ment by
it I know not.
a Textvorlage (Druck): Bodleian Library Oxford, Early
English Books Online. Cambridge University Library ubproxy.ub.uni-heidel- ver=Z39.88-2003&res id=xri:ee-
bo&rft id=xri:eebo:image:3218 (6. Juli 2009).
keepe all suche godlie discipline and orders appoin-
ted within the churche, whiche tend to the increase
off knowledge and godlynesse off liffe, as the ap-
pointed times off praier, preachinge and hearinge
goddes worde, the administration off the sacramen-
tes with submission to all Godly discipline off the
αThirdly such also as beinge in England after
knowledg received have communicated with the po-
pishe masse contrary to their consciences by reason
of feare, weaknes or other wise, may not be receyved
till they have confessed their fall before the pastor
and seniors, and have shewed themselves penitent
for the same.
How the youthe shalbe Catechised
Also for the increase off godly knowledg and vertue,
all the youthe shall resorte to the churche everye
satterdaie at 2 off the clock at afternoone, and when
we have a severall churche1 at one off the clock on
the sundaie at afternoone, there to be instructed in
the Catechisme, and not to be admitted to the com-
munion till they be able to make profession off their
faith before the whole congregation. And also to
have an honest testimony off towardnes in godly
conversation, and that every member off the chur-
che do not refuse to reade a declaration off their
faithe before the pastor and Elders, when so ever
they shall be therto required.
1 Bis Oktober 1555 hielt die englische Gemeinde ihre Got-
tesdienste in der Weißfrauenkirche, ebenso wie die fran-
zösisch-reformierte Gemeinde unter Valérand Poullain.
Ab Oktober 1555 wurde der englischen Gemeinde die
Allerheiligenkapelle überlassen, Jung, Flüchtlingsge-
meinde, S. 10f., 15-17; Simpson, John Knox, S. 103.
16. Old Discipline - New Discipline
Ordnung der englisch-reformierten Gemeindea
März 1557
The order off the olde discipline in the Citie off Franckford
There be 2 partes off the order off Discipline in the
churche: The one perteininge to the whole churche,
The other perteininge to the ministers and Elders
alone. Off the firste parte in the discipline, pertei-
ninge to the whole church, is firste to be apointed
the order off receivinge men into the congregation
whiche is this:
The manner off receivinge off all sortes off
personnes into the saide congregation
Fyrste, everie one, as well man as woman, which
desireth to be receyved, shall make a declaration or
Confession off their faithe before the pastor and Se-
niors shewinge [= showing] himselff fully to consent
and agree with doctrine of the churche and submit-
tinge themselves to the discipline off the same.
Iff anie person so desyrous to be received into
the congregation be notoriously defamed or noted
off any corrupt or evill opinion in doctrine or
slaunderous behavior in liffe, the same maye not by
the pastor and Elders be admitted till he have either
purged himselff theroff or ells have declared himselff
to the pastor and Elders penitent for the same.
The good behaviour and godly conversation
requyred off such as are received | cxii |
Secondarely all the members off the churche, so ad-
mitted and received, shall diligently observe and
α This article I finde rased in the copie, what they ment by
it I know not.
a Textvorlage (Druck): Bodleian Library Oxford, Early
English Books Online. Cambridge University Library ubproxy.ub.uni-heidel- ver=Z39.88-2003&res id=xri:ee-
bo&rft id=xri:eebo:image:3218 (6. Juli 2009).
keepe all suche godlie discipline and orders appoin-
ted within the churche, whiche tend to the increase
off knowledge and godlynesse off liffe, as the ap-
pointed times off praier, preachinge and hearinge
goddes worde, the administration off the sacramen-
tes with submission to all Godly discipline off the
αThirdly such also as beinge in England after
knowledg received have communicated with the po-
pishe masse contrary to their consciences by reason
of feare, weaknes or other wise, may not be receyved
till they have confessed their fall before the pastor
and seniors, and have shewed themselves penitent
for the same.
How the youthe shalbe Catechised
Also for the increase off godly knowledg and vertue,
all the youthe shall resorte to the churche everye
satterdaie at 2 off the clock at afternoone, and when
we have a severall churche1 at one off the clock on
the sundaie at afternoone, there to be instructed in
the Catechisme, and not to be admitted to the com-
munion till they be able to make profession off their
faith before the whole congregation. And also to
have an honest testimony off towardnes in godly
conversation, and that every member off the chur-
che do not refuse to reade a declaration off their
faithe before the pastor and Elders, when so ever
they shall be therto required.
1 Bis Oktober 1555 hielt die englische Gemeinde ihre Got-
tesdienste in der Weißfrauenkirche, ebenso wie die fran-
zösisch-reformierte Gemeinde unter Valérand Poullain.
Ab Oktober 1555 wurde der englischen Gemeinde die
Allerheiligenkapelle überlassen, Jung, Flüchtlingsge-
meinde, S. 10f., 15-17; Simpson, John Knox, S. 103.