
Wolgast, Eike [Editor]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Editor]; Sehling, Emil [Bibliogr. antecedent]; Arend, Sabine [Oth.]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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16. Old Discipline - New Discipline 1557

Thorder off correction for private
and privie offences
bFourthly for as muche as no churchec is so perfect
but offences maye arise, for godly charitable redres-
singe and reforminge off suche, this order is to be
Firste, yff anye off the congregation be offensive in
manners or doctrine to anie off the brethern, so that
offence be pri-| cxiii | vate and not publickly knowen,
ther can be no better order devised then that which
Christe himselff hathe apointed2, which is, firste
brotherly to admonishe him alone, yff that do not
prevaile, call one or 2 Witnesses, yff that also do not
profit, then to declare it to the pastor and elders, to
whom the churche hath geven authoritie to take or-
der in such cases according to the qualitie and gre-
vousnes off the offence and crimeb.
Off the order off correction for publick
and open crimes
dBut yff anie person shalbe a notorious knowen of-
fender, so as he is offensive to the whole churche,
then shall the pastor and elders immediatlye call the
offender before them and travel with him to reduce
him to true repentance and satisfyinge off the con-
gregation, whiche, if he obstinately refuse to doo,
then the pastor shall signifie his offence and con-
tempt to the whole congregation, desiring them to
praie for him and further to assigne him a daie to be
denownced excommunicate before the churche, ex-
cept in the meane time the offender submit himself
before the pastor and seniors to the order of disci-

b-b Diese Passage wurde in die New Discipline übernom-
men, siehe unten, S. 597, vgl. Simpson, John Knox,
S. 107.
c Druckfehler: charge. Vgl. die gleiche Passage in der New
Discipline, unten, S. 597.
d-d Diese Passage wurde in die New Discipline übernom-

Finally, in case any person of this congregation be
knowen to be an hinderer or a defacer of anie of the
godly usages nowe excercised in the same congre-
gation, either prively or apertly by worde, letter or
dede, the same shall acknowledg his offence with sa-
tisfaction to the churche according to the true order
off Discipline.
The 2. parte off discipline concerninge the ministers
and elders and their elections
Firste for the election of ministers and Elders the
qualities of the same are to be examined and consi-
dered according to the rule off S. Paule, 1. Tim. 3
[1-16]3, Wheroff this is the summe, That no man be
elected, whose doctrine or liffe can justlie be repro-
ved and condemned. As concerning the order and
forme off Electing, the same is to be observed whi-
che hathe [= has] already bin practised and is here
unto anexed. | cxiiii |
Off ther offices and functions
The pastor, according to the commaundement off
the holye ghoste in the scriptures, ought with all
pastorall care diligently to attende to his flock in
preaching goddes worde, in ministring the Sacra-
mentes, in example off Good lyffe, in exhortinge,
admonishinge, rebukinge and as the chieff mouthe
off the churche to open and declare all orders, taken
by him and the elders, whiche are to be opened and
published, to whom no man maye in the face off the
congregation replye. But yff anie think himselff to
have cause to speak, let him come before the elders
in the place appointed for their meetinge and there
to open his mynde and to be hard [= heard] with all
charitie indifferently.

men, siehe unten, S. 598, vgl. Simpson, John Knox,
S. 107.

2 Mt 18,15-20.
3 Vgl. Tit 1,5-9.

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