
Wolgast, Eike [Editor]; Seebaß, Gottfried [Editor]; Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften [Editor]; Kirchenrechtliches Institut der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland [Editor]; Arend, Sabine [Oth.]; Sehling, Emil [Bibliogr. antecedent]
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (9. Band = Hessen, 2): Die geteilte Landgrafschaft Hessen 1582-1618 - Grafschaften Waldeck, Solms, Erbach und Stolberg-Königstein - Reichsstädte Frankfurt, Friedberg, Gelnhausen und Wetzlar — Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011

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16. Old Discipline - New Discipline 1557

Off the doctrine off the churche, which
is the first note
4. The Doctrine, whiche we holde and professe in
oure church, is the same that is taught in the ca-
nonicall bookes of the holie bible, conteininge the
olde testamente and the newe, in the whiche is con-
teined the true and livelie worde off God and the
doctrine off helthe bothe as concerninge faithe and
godly liffe at full sufficient for the salvation off all
the faithfull that unfainedly beleve therin. The sum-
me off the whiche as concerninge faithe is briefly
and truly comprehended in the 3 creeds, the com-
mon creede, commonly called the creed off the Apo-
stells, the Nicene creed and the crede off Athana-
sius4. And as concerninge godly liffe in the ten com-
maundementes, written in the xx. chapter off
Off the Sacramentes and common praier,
the second note | cxvii |
5. We observe and kepe the forme and order off the
ministration of the sacramentes and common praier,
as it is set foorth by the authoritie off the blessed
kinge Edwarde6, off famous memorye, in the laste
booke off the English service7, Wheroff notwith-
standing in the respecte off tymes and places and
other circumstances certeine rites and ceremonies
appointed in the sayed booke, as thinges in different
maie be left owte as we at this present8 doo.
6. The times and houres for the teachinge and hea-
ring off goddes worde and the ministration of the
sacramentes and saying and hearing of the common
praier, such as be nowe used or shall heare after by
common consent be thought moste meete to be
used, are to be kept and observed off all men not
having lauful cause to the contrary.
4 Apostolisches, nizänisches und athanasianisches Glau-
bensbekenntnis, BSLK S. 21-30.
5 Ex 20,2-17; Dtn 5,6-21.
6 Unter der Regierung des englischen Königs Edward VI.
(1537-1553) fanden zahlreiche Theologen in England
Aufnahme, die Deutschland infolge des Schmalkaldi-
schen Krieges verlassen mussten, RGG 2, Sp. 1063.

Off the Ministers off the worde,
Sacraments and common praier
7. It is thought expedient for the churche at this
present to have 2 Ministers or teachers off the wor-
de elected off doctrine and godly liffe, such as the
rule off the scripture dothe requyre as muche as
maie be, And that the sayde 2 Ministers and tea-
chers off the worde shall in all things and points be
off like authorite and neither off them superior or
inferior to other.
8. Item that the saied 2 Ministers shall by themsel-
ves or fit persons by them, and the Seniors in the
name off the whole congregation to be appointed,
when necessarie cause shall so requyre, preach the
ordinarie Sermons on wensdaies, thursdayes and
sondaies before noone, and after noone instruct and
Heare the examination off the youthe in the Cate-
chisme, on sondaye in the after noone at the howre
accustomed and shall by themselves or other ap-
pointed persons as is afore sayed Minister the Sa-
cramentes dewly, saye the common prayers distinct-
ly, viset and comfort the sick, specially at their last
tyme and howre off deathe, bury the dead comely
and observe all other comely rites and | cxviii | usages
in the churche directing all their behaviour actes
and life according to the rule off their vocation, set
foorth in the holie scriptures.
9. Item that sixe, either fewer or more, (as the ha-
bilitie off the churche will beare) such as be godly
and have nede off the helpe off the churche, be ap-
pointed by the Ministers and Seniors in the name
off the whole congregation, Wheroff 4 to be well ler-
ned, who shall reade and expownde the chapters and
shall helpe the two ministers of the worde, when
nede shall require in the doctrine off the worde, Ca-

7 Second Book of Common Prayer (1552); Simpson,
John Knox, S. 104. Vgl. vorige Anm.
8 Während Elizabeths I. Regierungszeit 1558-1603. Die
Bemerkung bezieht sich auf die Zeit, in der der „Brieff
Discours“ erstmals gedruckt worden war, also 1574/75.

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