techisinge off youthe, Ministringe off the Sacramen-
tes, sainge off common praier and the other two or
moo [= more] shall ayde also the sayed ministers,
Seniors and Deacons in visitinge off the sick and
seinge to strangers and in callinge off the congrega-
tion when nede shall be, and in all other necessarie
and comelie thinges and rytes to be done in the
churche. Notwithstandinge anie other godly and ler-
ned men, whiche lyve off themselves and be not bur-
thenus [= burdens] to the churche, maye helpe the
Ministers off the worde in the above named Eccle-
siastical functions, iff they themselves so will and be
therunto called by the saied ministers and seniors.
10. Item, for the further instruction off youthe and
servants it is thought good, that besides the ex-
amination off children in the Catechisme, ordinarely
used, the said children and servants with the whole
congregation shulde be all presente at oure ordinarie
sermon, to be made purposely for them on sondayes
at afternoone so lernedly, that it be yet for their
capacitie most plaine and with all possible perspe-
cuitie, and that one tenor off Christian doctrine
from the beginninge to the ende be observed and
kepte in the saide sermon, off the whiche no better
forme in oure judgement can be then Calvins Ca-
techisme9, received in so manye churches and trans-
lated into so manie languages, yt is thought good
therfore that the preacher off the saied Catechisinge
sermon followe the good order off that Catechisme
in his sermons and confirme the godly doctrine off
the same by the scriptures and after the sa- |cxix|
me sermon the common praier and service to be ex-
ercised and fynished as at other tymes.
11. Item that the one preacher beinge sick, the other
shall doo or see donne by other fit persons, as is
before saied, all the dewtie and dewties to the other,
so sick belonginge.
12. Item that a lecture off divinitie and disputations
for the exercise off students, yff it maie be, be main-
9 Der Genfer Katechismus, den Johannes Calvin Anfang
1542 verfasst hatte. Abdruck bei Saxer, Genfer Kate-
chismus, S. 279-362. Vgl. Simpson, John Knox, S. 105.
teined, or ells that prophesie be used every fortnight
in the Englishe tong, for the exercise off the saied
studentes and edifinge [edifying] of the congregation
or bothe disputations and Prophesie also, iff it so,
shall seeme good unto the ministers and Seniors.
13. Item that such as shall therunto seeme moste
meete off the congregation, shall be appointed to
translate into Englishe some such bookes, as shall be
profitable either for the instruction or for the com-
forte off oure countrie in this oure exile and afflic-
tion off oure countrie.
14. Item that the common bookes or librarie off the
churche be at the appointement off the minister and
the seniors in such place as all the studentes maie
moste conveniently come unto.
The thirde note, that is Christian liffe and Good
workes, the frutes off godly doctrine
15. Item we teache that such goods workes are to be
done as are commaunded by Goddes worde in the
scriptures, such evell deedes to be avoided as are
forbiden by the same.
16. And where as concerninge the frutes off godly
doctrine, none is more commaunded in the scriptu-
res then the relievinge off the poore, whiche either is
donne privately by every persone or ells by the com-
mon treasury off the churche for the good and right
use, and order off the same, it apearethe aswell by
Goddes worde as by the examples off churches right-
ly reformed, that bothe, the keepinge and also the
distribution off the treasure of the churche, apper-
teineth to the Deacons, who be so necessarie Mini-
sters in the churche off Christe, that | cxx | withowte
them it cannot well be. For Christe saith, yow shall
have alwaies poore men amonge yow10. Wherfore
they ought to be honored of all men and they them-
selves ought to have this opinion, that they highlie
please god in that ministery.
10 Vgl. Mt 26,11; Mk 14,7; Lk 14,13; Joh 12,8.
techisinge off youthe, Ministringe off the Sacramen-
tes, sainge off common praier and the other two or
moo [= more] shall ayde also the sayed ministers,
Seniors and Deacons in visitinge off the sick and
seinge to strangers and in callinge off the congrega-
tion when nede shall be, and in all other necessarie
and comelie thinges and rytes to be done in the
churche. Notwithstandinge anie other godly and ler-
ned men, whiche lyve off themselves and be not bur-
thenus [= burdens] to the churche, maye helpe the
Ministers off the worde in the above named Eccle-
siastical functions, iff they themselves so will and be
therunto called by the saied ministers and seniors.
10. Item, for the further instruction off youthe and
servants it is thought good, that besides the ex-
amination off children in the Catechisme, ordinarely
used, the said children and servants with the whole
congregation shulde be all presente at oure ordinarie
sermon, to be made purposely for them on sondayes
at afternoone so lernedly, that it be yet for their
capacitie most plaine and with all possible perspe-
cuitie, and that one tenor off Christian doctrine
from the beginninge to the ende be observed and
kepte in the saide sermon, off the whiche no better
forme in oure judgement can be then Calvins Ca-
techisme9, received in so manye churches and trans-
lated into so manie languages, yt is thought good
therfore that the preacher off the saied Catechisinge
sermon followe the good order off that Catechisme
in his sermons and confirme the godly doctrine off
the same by the scriptures and after the sa- |cxix|
me sermon the common praier and service to be ex-
ercised and fynished as at other tymes.
11. Item that the one preacher beinge sick, the other
shall doo or see donne by other fit persons, as is
before saied, all the dewtie and dewties to the other,
so sick belonginge.
12. Item that a lecture off divinitie and disputations
for the exercise off students, yff it maie be, be main-
9 Der Genfer Katechismus, den Johannes Calvin Anfang
1542 verfasst hatte. Abdruck bei Saxer, Genfer Kate-
chismus, S. 279-362. Vgl. Simpson, John Knox, S. 105.
teined, or ells that prophesie be used every fortnight
in the Englishe tong, for the exercise off the saied
studentes and edifinge [edifying] of the congregation
or bothe disputations and Prophesie also, iff it so,
shall seeme good unto the ministers and Seniors.
13. Item that such as shall therunto seeme moste
meete off the congregation, shall be appointed to
translate into Englishe some such bookes, as shall be
profitable either for the instruction or for the com-
forte off oure countrie in this oure exile and afflic-
tion off oure countrie.
14. Item that the common bookes or librarie off the
churche be at the appointement off the minister and
the seniors in such place as all the studentes maie
moste conveniently come unto.
The thirde note, that is Christian liffe and Good
workes, the frutes off godly doctrine
15. Item we teache that such goods workes are to be
done as are commaunded by Goddes worde in the
scriptures, such evell deedes to be avoided as are
forbiden by the same.
16. And where as concerninge the frutes off godly
doctrine, none is more commaunded in the scriptu-
res then the relievinge off the poore, whiche either is
donne privately by every persone or ells by the com-
mon treasury off the churche for the good and right
use, and order off the same, it apearethe aswell by
Goddes worde as by the examples off churches right-
ly reformed, that bothe, the keepinge and also the
distribution off the treasure of the churche, apper-
teineth to the Deacons, who be so necessarie Mini-
sters in the churche off Christe, that | cxx | withowte
them it cannot well be. For Christe saith, yow shall
have alwaies poore men amonge yow10. Wherfore
they ought to be honored of all men and they them-
selves ought to have this opinion, that they highlie
please god in that ministery.
10 Vgl. Mt 26,11; Mk 14,7; Lk 14,13; Joh 12,8.